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Died, crashed while being down, lost stuff (is cool), but kept bounty. (Refused)

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Well-known member
The Netherlands / Weedland / The Go Kart Track
In-game name: Dekkers

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): I don't really get it... Steam ID: Brent1970, but I don't know what else to give.

What was lost: Nothing. I just have a bounty that I need removed and a Police officer person told me that this was the place to post.

Value of item/money lost: ---

Quick description of what happened: I got shot in a firefight and after around 8min. of being down I crashed. When I got back I lost all my gear, which is cool because I died in a legit firefight, but I did not lose my bounty. The Police said they couldn't help me and that this was the place to go.

Ask for a ticket from a cop in game. Explain what happened

You do not lose your bounty unless sent to prison or killed by the police

Ah... the police told me like three times that I was supposed to go here... Weird.. I'll try again

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