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Want to fly a jet but have no $$$ spare?

Well Tampax's Dial-a-Jet service is just the thing for you!

We have no opening hours and don't intend to make any, just catch a dear Tampax in our office in the government building or text this [fictional] number whenever you see Tampax on the yellow pages [online] or PM @DI Tampax to arrange a date and you can fly one of these bad ass Buzzards yourself! 


The Buzzard is a military jet that has been legalized for the civilians of Altis to use, we ask that no-one is to break the glass on the big red button and fire any of the rockets under any circumstances. If found doing so, you WILL be blacklisted from our services.

For just £250,000 you can fly a jet around Altis for a full 4 hours! It is first come first serve however and we don't have unlimited jets so be sure to order quick!

There are some very simple but important guidelines and rules to follow when flying our company jets:

  1. You are to never discharge the rockets or cannons from our jets.
  2. If you are not an experienced pilot, feel free to eject with a parachute, but do this at a beach.
  3. When flying over a city or highway, never exceed below 1km altitude, if found doing so you may disrupt the Civilians [RP] of Altis! 
  4. The fuel will be provided by the company at no extra cost, please, do NOT play with our jets, they are not toys.
This being said, enjoy your ride and hopefully someday you will be able to buy a Buzzard yourself!

No deposit is required we just ask for prepayment in case anything... happens mid-flight...

Here is a list of our happy customers!:

Daily checks are carried out on our vehicles and equipment therefore we are not held accountable for any injuries or fatalities caused by the customers' own stupidity. There is nothing hidden here so please stop reading it, this massive line of text is simply to simulate the terms and conditions completely contradicting everything that an advert has to offer, to be honest I'm just trying to make the post look a bit cooler! If however you have managed to read this far into this wall of bullshit, when you order your jet flight, you can get 50k off of your first order by sending or naming out loud to Tampax the four digit code AN4L. But on a serious note, if anyone is found shooting or arming the jets, they WILL be blacklisted from using our cheap as dirt services. With this is mind please have a lovely time 5k feet up in the air for 4 hours!

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I bought an overpriced bag of chips from the owner of this company, can I get a discount?

hello sir Tampax.

After reading your lovely advert and carefully reading the terms and conditions i am intrested in your service.

How ever i do have a question about the insurance. 

If by losing control of the aircraft and parachute is needed will you be refuned with a replacement by the company? 

Also im not a great pilot of these speedy aircrafts. Would it be possible to fly with a co-pilot so there is someone that can take control and i can enjoy the view? During landings.

I hope to hear from you soon. Greetings Shalloa.
I'm currently in a 'sticky situation'. I currently have to pay for my 12 cats, and therefore am going to struggle to afford £250,000. Can we discuss any 'discounts', I'm very nice and will give you a potato if you're lucky ;)

so someone shoots,  and you lose your jet? rip
I'm hoping it doesn't come to that, but yes. 

I trust the community enough to put the jet on the line, and tbh I didn't even use it anyway this is just a little idea that I thought I should try

Hello, I am very interested in this advert but at the moment I am very very very very very poor but can we make a deal on 69420 dollars? I would very much appreciate it

/The hobo next door

Edit: Oh yea and AN4L

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Interesting...... Standby for the introduction of Altis Jets LTD a subsidiary of Altis Repo LTD, with much cheaper costs.... :)

Hello, I am very interested in this advert but at the moment I am very very very very very poor but can we make a deal on 69420 dollars? I would very much appreciate it

/The hobo next door

Edit: Oh yea and AN4L
I have had our financial advisers look into your reference and they have informed me that you are in fact a man of wealth. No 'deal' will be made however you may still feel free to enjoy a ride at full price.


I like how you came in the LOV room sent the link and left and joined a different channel yesterday

I crashed my jet on the road and the bugger got scrapped...

250k for a flight is expensive though. Smart..but expensive
