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Deploy able Toolboxes


Lost MC
Midlands -UK
So this is a two phase suggestion, one with much less dev requirements but would be a nice QOL improvement. The second being a functionality change.

I'd like the idea of having Toolboxes that you can carry and place down similarly to the medic bags. These don't necessarily need to have storage like the medic bags do at this point, it's more just for QoL improvements. I do try to RP mechanical work and being able to carry and place it down I feel would be a nice touch instead of just using /e toolbox.

The second, wider suggestion is this:

You can only repair a vehicle using a mechanical repair kit if a toolbox is deployed nearby. You can use normal repair kits without deploying AS long as the engine can still run. however if the vehicle engine is completely dead, it won't work and thus this could force the driver to then ring one of the garages or put in a mechanic dispatch, and thus ROLEPLAY SCENARIO happens. This is by no means a "fully costed" suggestion, and I can already see points to and for it, but I'd like to see what suggestions others have for it.

Peace out home dogs!
Ok so from our conversation I will continue on, this is brilliant.

I think this could be extended even further, with the default medkits, you cannot access them as a civ. If they could be designed somewhat similar to how police have X amount of items, and then NHS have the extra pieces.

What I think would be good, is that if you are a normal player it'd give you access to basic tools such as a screw driver, parts replacer, and maybe other items that suffice a small replacement.
Then for people employed at a mechanical garage, they'd have more access to these, with a few extra items that would facilitate a full repair. Allowing for more targets to be hit, and prolongued time with it being in the shop accompanied by the standard RP given.

However, I recognise what I have put above limits non-whitelisted garages such as benny's, the one next to the arcade, atomic... etc from being able to roleplay for longer without getting people to use the mechanic repair part, which would essentially negate their potential roleplay. Though this could be solved with employment contracts to TN/AE its complex RP.

Previously I have shown a lack of support to this type of item, but I think if mechanical repair kits had a reduced circulation (which I fear may be impossible without confiscating them) with the above in mind it might help a bit more for that change I was unsure of at the time (see: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/vehicle-repair.424936/#post-2482642)

Now, there is obviously the issue with locals pulling out on people, and the issue of putting in a dispatch to be robbed, which absolutely sucks arse, but I think if people were to directly contact the garages, kinda alike those running taxi companies via tweedle, keeping numbers saved, but this still leaves a new player at a severe disadvantage. To which in combination of what you've said, and what was put above:

Mechanical kits slightly nerfed to no longer do a full repair, and the requirement of these toolboxes to be needed to do some semblance of a body repair, but not full. This means that people will still have the chance in chases, be able to debate what is better for themselves, and it doesn't cause a major issue with locals and reduced dispatches. With then the mechanic version being what facilitates the full service.

Apprehensive +1 deciding on what way this would go. This is just me thinking outloud regarding this however C:
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+1 from me, I think this would make people drive less insane as breaking down would have an increased consequence. The only idea I would say is potentially make it so this didn't apply to the Tornado, even if the engine was completely dead, they could repair it with the repair kit they get at the start. This would mean the new players who crash their car in the first five minutes would still be ok.