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Hello there jack, I'm not sure why this is such a confusing report but you left out so much information on the actual situation.

The entire situation started off when about 5 NSC members where selling down Dutch London street and you tried robbing us and fail you stupidly decided to tell you gang members that we tried robbing you down Dutch London so more Del Perro boys came down to try and grab us and you all failed miserably ended in a chase and all of you being robbed and shot inside our garage.

You were taken to pillbox by Alister in your gang and he told us where you was as we also found and kidnapped him so we waited inside pillbox room with you and your leader and you leader Barry told you to comply and to be nice. When you got back into our garage you was constantly talking back to us and being rude not answering questions while having many guns to your face while 7 Del Perro member were down on the floor and Barry your leader was in zipties, for your behaviour towards us and what your own gang member were telling us about you lying to them to try and rob us, we just had enough of trying to talk and kill you also. 

we take you upstairs and barry starts giving you fuck for doing what you done to us and he then kicks you from the gang. and you die out on the bed , that means you should be following rule G4.3 yourself and forgetting the entire situation and lead up to your death.

The next day you came to the shop opposite our turf and we spotted you, we approached you as barry told us in game that you were going to start hunted down del perro and NSC as revenge (which you cant do under rule G4.3) to our surprise you still had full memory of the previous night and drove off so we chased you down and killed you for running from us and for threating our gang even though  you started it.

 that is all that has happened between NSC and yourself jack, we haven't broke any rules and althought we have no clips due to none of del perro breaking rules during the situation meaning we didnt need to clip. even they will be able to back NSC up in this report . 

You also never tried to fix this OOC so that is a lie. This report is complete nonsense with no evidence to back your claims up, to me it is a revenge report as you are mad over the fact you got kicked from your gang and lost your items to us due to your actions.

NSC will not be replying to your replies on this report jack and will only speak to admins from this point, i will try and contact Barry and other del perro boys to come back this report for us if needed to show that everything you've claimed is a complete lie and how that yourself have broke the G4.3 rule.

Final note to you jack, if you read the rule you are reporting us for it says this -

(G4.3) When you respawn and NLR applies: 

  • Your character does not remember any of the previous roleplay situation. 
  • Any feud your character had with their killer(s) is ended. 
  • If your character respawns as an exit strategy from a relationship then the relationship dies with them. 
  • Your character must not return to the location where you died/bled-out for at least 15 minutes. 
  • Your character must not re-enter the situation that caused you to respawn and must excuse themselves from the situation if they accidentally enter it.

id just like to remind you that NO ONE from NSC has been killed by del perro or by you in city, so where ever you got the idea that this is the rule that we broke is a complete mystery to everyone.

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(The next day you came to the shop opposite our turf and we spotted you, we approached you as barry told us in game that you were going to start hunted down del perro and NSC as revenge) - i never spoke with barry after my death , in the rules you can clearly see ( If an altercation has occurred with another player(s) that caused you to respawn, once you awaken in the hospital (i.e. respawn), the feud that caused that player(s) to attack you is settled. ) ' so basicly you broke the rules i never spoke with barry that im gonna attack Del Pero or NSC so this is a lie if you can provide evidence for allegations like that it would be nice beacuse this is a stretch.

Btw again i say im not a native speaker im new to the city 2 weeks tops so there is bigger chance of me making a mistake then you a leader of a big organisation in this community but still as the situation is like i put it i didnt made the mistake mate you did you are forcing the beef between us and thats not alright , basicly if i dont remember you cant exploit that and attack me again and again and again it clearly says in the rules the feud that caused that player to attack you is settled when you respawn so i dont know how can you defend yourself and plus you speak about Barry and that we talked wich we never did so i want evidence for that beacuse you only gave us your word and thats not good enough when there is a report so i will be very happy if you can send the evidence when Barry told you that if he really did you should probably had it recorded beacuse you knew how much of important information that is to be passed on , have a nice one lad .

And btw asking Del Pero members to back you up is no evidence that is completely untrusty and obviosly you cant provide a real material evidence so get your ego straight and just admit you are in the wrong .

I don’t think you fully understand how that rule works.

Any feud your character had with their killer(s) is ended

As you can clearly see it says “ YOUR “ character, For example if I kill Timmy , Timmy doesn’t remember that I killed him , but I can remember I killed Timmy. If the next day Timmy comes to me and threatens me over something else I can still kill him even if I killed him the night before , it’s a new situation with a new reason, which in city we had a new reason to kill you in a new situation. 

I don’t need to find evidence on what was said to us. If you said it or not is none of our concern, Barry could be lying to us for us just to find and kill you again, that’s RP for you.

just because you don’t like the outcome of the RP doesn’t mean it’s a rule break. 

so get your ego straight
There is also no need to become hostile and rude out of character, at the end of the day it’s a game , we take it serious but out of character is different, I’m sorry if you feel like what happened to you was wrong but I can assure you that what happened is completely fine and allowed, if you want a valid report I suggest you find clips of you trying to rob us and us chasing you all down and killing all your boys. That will help the admins understand the entire situation also 🙂

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There should be a rule about this , beacuse basicly my cards are like this i cant make a meet up and solve the problem beacuse i dont remember i will constantly get bullied innit for some petty shit , and basicly you can just molest me every time you see mee the feud should be over when u kill me like thats done you outlayed me i got the message my life continues your life continues . He can lie for you true i know thats RP , but if you get empowerment from torturing smaller firms then it talks about you lad a lot i personally dont have any issues with you but i cant resolve it in RP beacuse i dont remember so basicly you are using the gap in the rules to bully me innit 

And how the fuck can you kill someone twice like isnt that Powergaming a scene that can not happen in life so let me explain it to you if you put a bullet to someone head they wont respawn in real life so basicly you killing a ghost innit lol 

Im glad you told me everything in comments basicly you could do that in discord , last night but you act towards me like im some low level scum innit , plus the beef didnt happen with my current Bussines / Gang / Firm call it what ever you want so basicly our 2 Firms dont have beef in RP we never met .

I don’t understand why your getting so angry, it’s nothing to do with power, as I said we got told you threatened to kill us , so we dealt with that , now you don’t remember it we have no reason to come for you again , I really suggest you learn the rules a little bit better before running here and embarrassing yourself like you have with this report on an entire gang. 

I don’t care if its 1 person or 25 people if someone threatens us we won’t think twice about reacting. That’s the same with every gang.

also like we said you never called us to discord and even if you asked we probably wouldn’t of come because we was fully aware we didn’t break any rules and everything was done correctly. So if we went to discord it wouldn’t just been you moaning over you losing items.

I hope you learn from this, are you saying this report is invalid now you understand how the accused rule doesn’t apply, because if so the staff can shut this report down faster without having to read everything.

And how the fuck can you kill someone twice like isnt that Powergaming
And to this, if you would like to post a suggestion about when dying in game your entire character gets deleted I’m sure you’ll understand why it’s not a thing. We killed you 2 times and no longer have a reason, it is very far from being bullying.

Im gonna accept your response as an half argument only problem there is i never talked about your gang after the night that you killed me beacuse i know you are far more powerful opponent and i want peace in city just money making innit , still cant wrap my head around how can you say that i want to destroy you when i have no intentions on doing so tbh i dont even care for half of the gangs that dont have to do nothing with me im just a bussines lad and thats about it

Like I said you may not have said anything to us , but we was told that in your new life that you had threatened our gang , true or not we acted on that

I wont be a dickhead about it innit if staff see this i would like this topic TO BE CLOSED ,we had an argument and basicly i get it now we should done this in discord innit all the best lad nothing personal dont just get me wrong 

Report has been withdrawn.

In future, @KillerCurse- Rather than editing the original topic and removing all the information, please simply comment below with "I wish to withdraw this report".

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

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