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December 2017 Newsletter

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The King
Legendary Donator

December 2017 Newsletter

Here we are! Finally the Christmas (Gaming) season is upon us and our 4th Christmas!

Hope you are all keeping warm and indulged yourself upon a mince pie or two. We look forward to spending Xmas with you on Roleplay UK!

New Staff Team Members

Thank you for everyone that has applied so far to our always open staff applications, Our staff team leads have been extremely busy reading them in view of an initial recruitment of 5 new members and have decided after successful interviews to appoint the following people to our staff team.

Please give them a warm welcome into their new community roles:



@CSI Gordon

@SI Deathstroke


Xmas In Altis

You may have noticed Santa, hobo Xmas tree and the snowman have returned in the square (Photo from Xmas 2016)


Our Xmas jumpers are now also available from Hugo Ross and we want to see as many of you wearing them! Not only do they keep you warm they are also limited to December only so enjoy them when they are here!

Also later this week the weather system will be returning Altis is usually a sunny place to be but unfortunately this time of year is met with cloud, coldness and rain!


We would like to welcome @sciencefreak74 to our development team, I can already see he is hard at work with his development commits (and hopefully enjoying it!), this new appointment will again benefit the entire community!

Hope you are still enjoying our regular weekly updates on Thursday nights if you didn't know our change log can be viewed here

Auction House

Last week we welcomed a new feature in the new custom Auction house, The usage is being monitored and I have already suggested an upgrade to add this feature onto the tablet as it progresses, Here is the current schedule of the auction house:

Week 1: Auction House Introduction

Week 2: Vehicle selling added to Auction House

Week 3: House selling added to Auction House

Later On: Auction House raiding and some more features.

The gradual implementation of features is so I can monitor the effect of the Auction House on the server, all of the above changes are susceptible to change as the monitoring progresses.

We welcome everyone to try it out! Hoping at some point we will get some rare items on there for you to all fight over

More fun features will be coming this month and are currently in development, Keep viewing the changelog! 

Mass Kicks

As you know many months ago via re-coding many modules and optimization of our framework this was fixed on Roleplay UK after a good year of concentrating our time and we haven't experienced another one yet however with the new Arma patch we have been experiencing one or two Arma3server.exe crashes per day which we have fed back to the Dev team at BIS directly and we have been told they are aware and working on a fix.

For those of you who play other Arma servers (Wasteland, Koth etc) as per today's Sitrep BIS is working on a fix to the mass kicks by changing the Battleye traffic to a different dedicated port, It remains to be seen if this fixes the issue as its only been tested on the DEV branch which doesn't see the numbers and constant of a community like ourselfs, It has been communicated that fix is likely to be in an update later this week.

EDIT: This fix has now been released: https://dev.arma3.com/post/spotrep-00077

Unfortunately due to our own commitments and development on this occasion we haven't been able to switch one of our live servers over to the DEV branch to help test.

We would like to use this opportunity to thank BIS for making Arma what it is and all the great content they released this year and a special mention to Dwarden for being an approachable contact for the QA and DEV team, We hope you all have a great Xmas and well deserved break!

Christmas Unbans

Something that has been mentioned here for the last 4 Christmas seasons and its something people even put in their appeals!

We personally do not see why people think we would be easier on our very good process at this time of year, If you have been banned its for a good reason, or the benefits of allowing a huge influx of people who might not be rejoining to roleplay.

Our permanent ban appeals are currently kept down to a few days as well as our unban appeals, If you haven't burnt bridges completely and committed acts of skulduggery on your way out then you might just be eligible for an unban (its a process we have all year round)

At this time of goodwill and kindness to all we’d like to extend this to our wonderful player base by not unbanning indiscriminately, ensuring the servers you all love to play on remain troll and toxic player free, Merry Christmas!

A unban should be for life... not just for Christmas (RSPCA would be proud!)

Thankyou to our donators!

A huge thank-you to everyone donating and supporting the community for all of us, The player base keep us busy and enjoyable with their epic Roleplay however it is the kind donators keep us actually online again a huge thank-you for continued support and your support during 2017!

Until our annual Xmas day announcement post and January newsletter, 

The entire staff team wish you a very very merry Xmas!


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Merry Christmas everyone!
My New Year's Resolution is not to get taken hostage and demoted :D

I hope everyone has a great Christmas this year! Brilliant news from the news letter once again! Stay safe everyone and Merry Christmas!

Congrats new staff and dev members! Keep this server clean ;)

Let's make it a fun December everyone!

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