- Location
- Hungary
DayZ: Undead
5 years ago, DayZ Standalone was released. 5 Days ago, DayZ went from Alpha to Beta. 4 years ago, I had an idea, to make a movie about DayZ and I wanted to bring it to YouTube. Since then I've worked on and off with the movie. Last week I decided to bring it to life. DayZ: Undead (Title not final) a story about a man who is left alone in Chernarus. As the story unfolds many things go from good, to bad, and to even worse. It's a story that isn't like an action movie. If someone has to die, they will, they won't walk out of having been shot to pieces. It's grounded in reality and unforgiving.
If anyone wished to be a part of the project, be that an actor, cameraman, voice over, in-game character, share down here. Of course not everyone has the same amount of chances to get certain roles. The movie won't be 5 minutes long. It will be a proper movie, from 45 Minutes long, to even 1 Hour 30 Minutes long.
Hope to see some of you guys wanting to work on the movie. Hope you enjoy just his little title card that will be the intro of the movie. The music playing will be the main theme.
Ignore the spelling