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Day 4 NHS (Altis Life Journal)


Active member
My career in the NHS is getting more varied by the day.  With some great twists and turns.

So I decided that I would take a night shift.  I was not sure this was such a good idea, as the last time I was on as a civillian during the night, it was pandamonium in Kavala.

However,  I beleived that the training I had received so far would be enough me to cope.

I went to the meeting before my shift as was delighted to find out that I had been promoted.  This meant that they were letting me loose on my own.  God help Altis!!

So at the start of my shift I contacted the other Medics to see where they were.  Knez was already covering Athira, so that left me Kavala.  As most medics will testify, Kavala at night will either be awesome, or a complete nightmare.

I waited by the hospital in my new shiny Ambulance, when we got a call to attend the weed farm.  This was the only call and their were two casulaties, so both Knez and I decided to attend unless another call came in.

Now anyone who has been in a vehicle with me will testify that my navigation skills are awful,  however I plugged it into the TOM TOM and turned the sirens and lights on.

Eventually we noth got their, infact we arrived within 5 minutes of each other.  Unfortunately one of the casualties did not make it.  I got out of my Ambulance and started towards where I saw Knez.  Now I knew he was with a patient, but for the life of me I could not see where.  These 'Ghillie' suits can be quite scary.  It is like treating a bush.  I am a medic, not a gardener.

As we were finishing, a vehicle arrived and I was asked to vacate my ambulance to help.  Now these looked like VERY hard men, and not someone I should argue with.  Feeling slightly concerned, I left the Ambulance and asked him what help he wanted.

Before he answer, one of his colleagues ran out of the truck towards me shouting "Help me first, help me".

My training kicked in and I calmed them both down, and asked them to tell me what was wrong.  One had stubbed his left toe, and the other had pricked his hand on the thorns of his roses.  Now I was very happy to help, and at least we had not got a 999 call for it.  When ever any of you see a medic, and if the ambulance has no lights or sirens on, then we can help you with anything.

I started to drive away thinking about the situation and then my eyesight went funny.  I beleive that I was suffereing from 'Desync' and then next minute I knew the ambulance was on fire.

Poor Knez had driven back to Athira, and now he needed to come back to me to help.

When he arrived we decided to drive back to Kavala so that I could get another Ambulance.  On the way we came across a accident between a car and a post on the straight just by the police chaeckpoint.  We immediately stopped to help, however we could not unlock the car.  We started to contact the police to see if they could help, however they were busy with another incident.  

Fortunately, the truck with the gardener arrived and helped us break into the car and get the casulaties out.

We asked how he had managed to crash on a straight road, and he said he was more worried about getting home to read a bedtime story to his children.

After this, and helping a stubbed toe and slight rose thorn injury, the 'Ghillie' suits no longer intimidate me!!

  We had not got more than a few yards down the road when we received a text asking for help by the petrol station.

When we arrived we could not immediately find him as he was behind the building.  The sight of the orange suit made us more alert, and we asked him his name.  Whilst Knez was trying to stall for time, I contacted the police to see if they could attend.  He told us that he had been shot by the police.  We got no response from the police, and decided to peg it back to Kavala.

Eventually we managed to get to Kavala hospital so that I could get another Ambulance.  I then attended to someone by the garage, and Knez started going back to Athira.  Unfortunately it was his turn to have a 'Desyn' turn, and almost directly by the garage he blew up.

As anyone know, smoke, explosions and sirens, is like a magnet to the resident Hobos.

Suddently the area was filled with people crying over someone they did not even know.

After getting Knez off the road we were surrounded.  We knew that if we unlocked the ambulance everyone would try and get in for a lift.

So whilst he went towards the Ambulance, I called all the group to the nearest wall.  I got them all to stand in a line whilst we did a bit of calisetics.  Excercise is good for the soul.

In fact they were that good that we were soon doing syncronised dancing.

Soon the sun started to go down and an incident happened by the drug seller.  I looked on the map and there were loads of bodies.

Immediately I attended and straight away I was shouted at with "Rule B, do not resusitate".  This was from a man in a ghillie suit holding a gun in my face.  Ok, I was intimidated again.

I agreed that I would not help, but asked him what happened.  He told me that 3 of them arrived to try and kill him, but he got them first.  Just as he said that a bush jumped up screaming "You did not get us all" and shot him, just as he got shot himself.

Now I am in a situation.  Who do I help.  Whilst I am standing there trying to figure ot what to do, some guys from the PLF arrived.  I was asked to help, and to do it in order so that they culd deal with each person.

I thought that this would be the last situation that I would have to deal with as it was nearing the end of my shift.

On the way back to the hospital I noticed another medic opposite the bank with several people milling around.

I thought that I would investigate what was going on.  I found out that one of the group had been suffering from constipation.  Unfortunately the medic had treated him so efficiently, that he was now running around shitting on everyone.  Soon everyone was rolling in the dirst whilst we sprayed them with deodrant.

Other things happened on the shift, but I can't remeber all of it.

Gregory House


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Well this was an intresting Shift i must say, alot of long distance driving for me treating mentally ill people and backing up the Triage situations in Kavala. But its nice to know you have each other in the NHS to rely on!
