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Day 2 Medic (Altis Journal)


Active member
Well how different could day 2 be from day one. Ridiculously different.  In fact our instructor today says that he has never had a day quite like it, in fact I don't think I have enough time to describe everything but here are the highlights.

So we met in Athira in teh hospital (which needs serious funding as the electricity bill cannot be paid, fortunately the support staff had a few Night Vision goggles we could borrow).

4 students turned up for the ride along, and then 2 more.  6 students on the same day I hear you say, yes and we took a picture to prove it.

Almost straight away we were asked to help a local policeman.  On arrival he was at the back of his car looking a little sorry for himself.  I immediately revived him,  but during the conversation it became apparent that there was something not quite right.  I asked him to drive to the hospital and I sat in the passenger seat.  During the journey his vision became hazzy and his foot could not come of the accelerator.

Eventually we crashed into the side of the hospital and the car stopped, unfortunately trapping him between the car and the wall.

After moving the car we checked him out.  He was suffering from 'Contented Chicken Syndrome'.  This is a serious condition were the person's vision goes hazy and they can't control their vehicles and crash.  In the NHS we are seeing many cases of this and as I will explain later are going to put some checkpoints in place to screen people.

If you see the checkpoints please stop, even if it is to get your free lollypop.

Now we decided to go on a trip in the helicopter so that we can speed up our response time.  We got a request, and on checking the map the body was moving.  We travelled towards the request and we saw a covered tempest being chased.  It became obvious that the body must be in the Tempest.  We lowered enought to check the license plate and realised that it was one of the vehicles used by one of our doctors in his down time, that is when we spotted his body in teh cab.  We also did not reckonise the driver.

It was then that we realised that both RDM and VDM must have occurred.  We followed the Tempest to the chop shop and landed.  We managed to get our friend out of the cab and treated him just as the Tempest drove away.

He told us that he had indeed been subjected to VDM and RDM, and asked us if we could help him locate the Tempest.  Now we are not the police, however on requesting help we found that right at this time they were engaged in all out war near Kavana.

So we thought we would do a quick scan of the immediate area.  Almost as soon as we took off we saw the Tempest.  The thief had tried to hide it unter a single tree!!.

We landed and the instructor approached him to find out his version of the story.  Almost as soon as he spoke to him the thief attacked him.  So I did the only thing I could.  I got in the Tempest and drove it back to its owner by the chop shop. 

Now is it possible that things could get stranger than that, well actually yes.

Whilst on our way to create a 'Contented Chicken Syndrome' checkpoint, we almost ran into a car stuck in the middle of the road.  We did stop just to see if everyone was ok, however the driver only wanted us to fix his car.  At this time we had 4 people in a offroad vehicle and 3 in a hatchback, and 5 of us were in training.  You would not believe what happened next.  The passenger of the broken vehicle pinched our offroad vehicle.  Now he must have only recently immigrated here, as was obviously unaware that this is instant deportation.

Now I know that the general public have been complaining that the NHS does not always seem to have as many medics as required, so it must have been a strange sight to see 7 of us running around with only one car.

Was this the most exciting thing for the day, well indeed it was however being students we needed to heal each other a few times, and the highlights are below:

Whilst in the back of the of the offroad I had forgotten to put my seatbelt on and as we went over a bump I was ejected.  Eventually after 10 minutes of being laughed at my colleagues treated me, at least for my injuries not my pride.

We were requested to attend in the bounty HQ in Kavana.  When we got there we could not see the casualty, so my colleague decided to climb onto the roof.  He could see nothing up there so he came down.  However he forgot to use the ladder.  

So if you ever request a medic, and it seems to take them a long time to arrive, it maybe because we are healing each other!!

Gregory House

<3 Loved riding along with you today, great role-player and *Cough* not taking any credit here but think we can say well done to the person who accepted your interview... Who ever it may be...

It was a great day indeed. Involved in a number of accidents and incidents and some great RP from everyone.
