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Dante/Phantom (Rejected - With Advice)

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Dante
Time & Date this happened: 26/09/2014
Description of what happened:  We had a gunfight near the airfield and we managed to kill them all but the last one was dante, we killed him 60 seconds later he combat logged
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No, other officers have spoken to him about it this video was requested by the other officers to be put up as I was the only one recording
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

Just so you know :

-After 60seconds you loose the gear
-As I explained to God I was full of playing Arma3, left and went play DayZ

You must wait the full 2 minutes and respawn. It's still classed as combat logging, the medics could have revived you, but you chose to log out.

Good luck with this.

Just so you know :

-After 60seconds you loose the gear

-As I explained to God I was full of playing Arma3, left and went play DayZ
after 60 seconds you do not lose your gear you lose your lethal in your hands you keep your clothing your backpack and what ever is in your back pack, if you do not respawn or get revived and then disconnect it is a combat log

You must wait the full 2 minutes and respawn. It's still classed as combat logging, the medics could have revived you, but you chose to log out.

Good luck with this.
Np m8, if I have to get banned may it be.

after 60 seconds you do not lose your gear you lose your lethal in your hands you keep your clothing your backpack and what ever is in your back pack, if you do not respawn or get revived and then disconnect it is a combat log
If I told you that you loose maybe its because I lost it .

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Ok evidence and reply is here.

Locked until we either take action or deny the request. 

Moving to rejected but with a warning to dante and everyone..... wait about 3 mins or so if you have just been killed or at least until the option to respawn has popped up.

This way you will never be accused of combat logging ... simple!

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