You lost me at:
I've only been on the server a couple of days
and more so when you then proceeded to give a load of speculation and personal opinion about stuff that it is quite clear you do not even have a clue about, such as the numbers of admins on our systems, or their proximity to each as friends or not.
If you have a specific complaint to make about another player - whether they be an admin or not - there are systems here for you to make that complaint and have it dealt with at (if necessary) every level of the organisation. You are politely advised to make use of them, if the need arises (but of course, we hope and strive to make sure it doesn't).
In my experience, when people make posts like yours, they've usually had one bad experience, had a call go against them, or a run-in with an admin and are now salty and hunting for either revenge, justice (as they perceive it, which isn't always correct, but obviously might be sometimes) or any kind of 'things different to the way I'd do it, in an ideal world' to highlight vitriolically. What they very often fail to appreciate is that they have zero idea of where the admins actually
are on the servers at any moment, what is being watched and what isn't, what admins might or might not be saying to each other on private communications-channels, which ones are friends or rivals, which transgressions have been observed but are being dealt with later to avoid an interruption to ongoing RP, and which transgressions can be handled with a warning or other action because a player is known to the server (rather than being 'a friend',
per se) and has a huge multi-year long history of high-quality RP but happened to slip up, fail, or otherwise make a plonker of himself on one dark night after a bad case of JagerMeister.
Some things matter more than others; some things require stiffer punishment and swifter action than others. We've been doing this a long, long time now, so please don't presume to have the credentials to stand in judgement on us and make slurs like:
it is currenly heavily damaging to the server reputation.
It isn't. Our reputation has been built up over seven years of hard slog. Our staff try incredibly hard to keep the balance of fair play and non-interruption whilst dealing with offenders and scallywags that ruin things for other players. Sure, nothing is perfect, and I would not for one moment attempt to suggest that we are, but our constantly-reviewed systems, processes and policies have stood the test of time pretty darn well so far, and we're unlikely to change a huge amount on the basis of one salty drama-seeking post without any specific evidence, posted by someone who rocked up into the community fresh-faced on the last passenger steamer.
I think you owe us a wee bit of an apology, really, for that sweeping generalisation about our reputation and the slurs you've made against the wider admin crew, without so much as a shred of evidence other than:
I have already heared multiple people complaining about this, as people are not blind and stupid.
I confess I don't quite understand how you can expect omnipotence and total impartiality from our admins and yet go into battle on the words of multiple unnamed people and a salty feeling you have yourself. If you're new in town, how can you possibly have canvassed opinions from the many multitudes of players here who have opposite or neutral opinions? Your research seems to have come from 'reading the forums' and cherry-picking stuff from similarly salty players who, let's face it, are not always 100% impartial themselves, especially when they've been told off for some misdemeanour they didn't agree with, and decided to exact retribution for it on the forums by dissing anyone but themselves.
Unfortunately, it's a fact of life that people rarely put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) to write reams of glowing praise and flowery prose about how much they enjoyed the server and how they felt the benefit and comfort of the unseen army of admins and developers who make everything possible. Some people do, it is true, and we love them for it, but sadly, mostly people seem to be much more likely motivated by salt in their gears than pleasantness in their hearts. C'est la guerre.
All I can go on myself is the numbers of players who play here (which is still very strong for an ARMA/AltisLife server so long down the road for this particular game-model), and the fact that our server still gets full at times. There must be a reason for that, and the fact that there are still several thousand active player accounts visiting our server, from the many hundreds of thousands that have come through our doors over the years. That, and the fact that all our staff are held to account for their actions internally by their peers and leaders, and they try their hardest to abide by a set of standards that have been crafted and tweaked over nearly a decade. This is not their, or our, first rodeo. It might, however, be yours, at least here, in this place.
You're welcome to your opinions, but bear in mind that your own reputation will very much be shaped by them if you post them up for all to see, and if longer-standing players than you (who have a much better handle on the ups and downs of life here) decide they disagree. Some might even agree, at least in terms of occasional-happenings, but they'll know where the right place to complain about that is, and where to get it dealt with properly, so that offenders can be corrected, re-trained, or even removed, if the event was serious enough.
With respect, my new and bold arrival, you need to learn this too. We have a rule against posts made specifically to cause drama, and yours came close to crossing that line. Tread carefully. Don't make drama; make a complaint, if it requires it. Don't make up facts or pass off opinions and personal judgements as evidence, if you're really trying to help and are not just 'stirring the pot' for a bit of drama because you're upset about something. We
will listen,
via the correct system, if there are things we can genuinely act on. Otherwise, it's just noise and grumbles from salty souls who are venting their spleen - and while we'll take that on the chin as 'part of the journey we're all on', we won't give it too much credibility, and we certainly won't tolerate outright slurs or defamation.
Clear? I do hope so. Here's to you enjoying your time here, honing your skills, making new friends and having fun.