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Dan (Action: Ban Issued 11/11/2014)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name) :  DAN

Time & Date this happened: 29/10/14

Description of what happened: I Was at the garage in kavala when i was surrounded by three bounty hunters dan, liam  and one other whos name i didnt get, they knocked me out and tried to restrain me when i pointed out that ths was not allowed inside the green zone they said they didnt give a shit, i then said that they need to learn the rules and was knocked out again which got me a little annoyed words were then exchanged before i was shot in the back of the head by dan

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: they dont care there bounty hunters was the reply

Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oHdAxwjf0w
I've made complaints about this before, but the general opinion now seems to be that the Bounty Hunters and cops are within their rights to do this...

sorry but bounty hunters are not permitted to shoot people in the face in the green zone under no circumstances

if it was out of greenzone, i would of said tough luck in regards to the fact you threatened his life, yes it would of been shitty RP though.

But it was not out of the greenzone and this is disgraceful behavior.

i only threatened him as he had pissed me off by constantly knocking me to the ground and being a general dickhead

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