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CSGO Gameplay

Okay... okay, okay, okay... where do I begin?

As a player who has been to every rank possible, from top, all the way back to lower ranks and back up again, you need to know some things

  • Crosshair placement - Learn to aim where a players head will be AT ALL TIMES, body shots? They're just not worth it.
  • Panicking? - No, stay calm and relaxed. The more you panic, the more your aim becomes poor; the more you die.
  • TYPING???? - oh for the love of god, stop typing when you're alive- actually no, just stop typing all together, unbind your Y and U button. Please. You lose SO MUCH concentration whilst typing, alongside the fact that all it does it make you focus more on having a chit-chat instead of focusing on winning/getting frags/following the objective
  • Keep your crosshair pinned to corners of walls when you're peaking round them, not at the floor, sky or behind you...
  • Excuses - Oh please, stop it. If you're doing shit, don't bother typing in chat "Guys I'm doing shite, sorry" and instead actually just change what you're doing. If you keep rushing and dying, stop... think, and play defensively. Perhaps you want to play a different bomb site, etc.
  • MICROPHONE!!!!! - It's competitive matchmaking that you're playing, not call of duty rubbish, use a mic... EVEN if you're the only talking, you should still coordinate with your team, chances are - they can still hear you. Oh, and it makes good practice for higher ranking/team games
I threw this together in minutes, if you actually want more detailed tips and stuff, message me and we can go play and I'll show you some stuff.


stop buyin armor every round waste of monayzz

only renew it when its below around 30-40

Dont be cocky and a general idiot by saying ez or 2-7. One time you will play someone better than you who will be much better than you and you will get annoyed...

stop buyin armor every round waste of monayzz

only renew it when its below around 30-40
but meow this is how you get good at this game 

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dont cheat its bad for your health

best advise i can give is the more time you put it in the better you will get, like everything it takes time and effort to get good at anything.

P.s This is a joke video, i made it to be funny i do not encourage cheating.

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Right let me say i use my mic but im sick of these Russian cunts who says SUKA or somthing like that im tired of not understanding them and yeah, im only gn3 after all. Thanks

Right let me say i use my mic but im sick of these Russian cunts who says SUKA or somthing like that im tired of not understanding them and yeah, im only gn3 after all. Thanks
Hey mate, I know the feeling about the kurwa russians.

You can download a matchmaking picker that let's you avoid the russians


(not sure if any links is allowed, if not, please bare with me and delete it)

cyka blyat!

Even if you're perfect at shooting on csgo doesn't mean you'll be the best. Make sure you play all of the main maps on CSGO and develop some game sense. It will make you twice as good since you'll know spots and wont be running into obvious positions and you may be able to trick the enemy here and there. You'll also need to learn flashes smokes and nades. I was a global elite but I deranked myself to LEM since Global is just full of monsters at the game [Semi-Pro teams ect] x) 

I wish you luck on your journey!

crosshair placement, sounds and spray patterns is really the most important things, all the other stuff will come by itself when you play, also you'll get much better and rank up easier if you have a full premade team you can practice with (I'm a former champ at source)

Guys my secret is liten to music i know i need to hear my team but most of the time there Russian so but if somone wants to play just pm me STEAM: tigertango1
