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{CSB} Dave (Action: Already banned in another topic)

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Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): {CSB} Dave
Time & Date this happened: 23/10/2014 ~23:30
Description of what happened: Doing an oil run, start getting pursued by aggressive pink hatchback trying to stop my Tempest device... I am clearly driving carefully to avoid VDM (driving slow, braking to avoid shunting, giving wide berth on overtakes) and at moment of impact I was on a heading way over parallel when he changes to an acute angle, crashing into me. He insists I went into him, and that he has video of this - something I'm absolutely willing to accept on condition of seeing the evidence. If he cannot provide evidence, then I will presume this was a malicious ram in a vein attempt to stop a few tons of steel with a pink hatchback..
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes, as evidenced by the video. The gentleman in question did not believe he did anything wrong, and that it was my fault. His friend does not seem to agree as he 'gave him a bollocking'.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
~2:45 - Crash itself
~4:10 - his denial
~4:30 - his friend seems to agree he was at fault

This report shouldn't have been made, and I'm sorry to watse admin's time on it. I nearly didn't report but due to the attitude of the individual in question felt I should. I have been rammed by another {CSB} member before I think, and on that occasion they were very apologetic and comp'ed me far in excess of what I asked for, so it's not like I'm just looking to ban these guys. Now both admins and my own time has been wasted on a situation that could have been resolved easily.
Not even a direct chat msg telling you to pull over ....

Teh video never *lies,

*Unless your watching fox news

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In his defence he did *speak* in direct chat to say pull over, but I only noticed this in production of the video as my engines were louder than him. Even if I had heard it, I don't believe they had a chance of pulling over. I'd done a good job of evading them (see 1:50) and sure I could have done it again more permanently.

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