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Crysis - Unban appeal (Unbanned)

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Your In-game name: Crysis

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198009909968

Your GUID: 66b82b1d6752f1d18515ef39ffa805be

Date & Time you was banned: 3/15/15 at about 7am.

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: Unclear, 3 possible reasons, I will address all 3 below.

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I'm unclear as to the exact reason I'm banned but I see 3 possibilities.

The first is that I was banned for RDM for killing the police officer. I do not feel this is the case because I had a bounty for robbing a few stores and was not expecting for him to ask my name in that interaction. So when he did I started to look for ways to get myself out of that situation and decided to ask him to put his hands up while my friend covers him with a gun. I feel this was proper roleplay. If you don't feel the same way just say so and we'll take it as a lesson learned.

The second is that maybe we didn't give him enough time to put his hands up before he was shot. This was partly do to the officer making slight movements which made our shooter nervous and partly due to a lack of communication between me and him. We apologize for this.

The third reason why I would be banned is that I was in the same gang as someone else you believe broke the rules. Well there's a good reason why in most countries finding someone guilty by association is an invalid way of finding someone guilty. However I suppose you do own this community and can do what you feel is right so I really cannot make an argument against this other than that I feel it's a bit unfair.

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

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People learn by reading the rules and coming on the forum to find this is a serious RP community.

The ban is mainly because your hanging around and in the system in the same gang with people actively breaking the rules.

We are not like any server you have played on yet... everything has to be RP'ed here.

I have issued a unban but i do not want to see your name or any of your gangs name in the report again otherwise perm bans will be issued.

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