Michael Mills It depends, vassals will take care of it if they have money. You, as their lord, can however always build in their holdings. But you should focus on your own holdings mainly =).
It's a hard game, but once you know how the world works it has its easy parts as well. War should not be a problem for most countries, you can avoid ending in wars relatively easy, by having good alliances and by only preying on the weak ;-)...
As for Roleplay, well.. if you have a couple of players together on a map there could be some funny rp interactions, some backstabbing and sneaky cooperations between two rival nations to devour a common enemy =).
Me, @
Edgar Ville @
Davros and @
dzul had a nice start yesterday, managed to go in about 40 years.
Davros started as a minor Karling, king of Aquitaine and managed to inherrit West-Francia and with my help claim Italy. A lot of rebelions were the consquence, as three different kingdoms don't much like to be ruled by one King. And having the fiercely patriotic Duchy of Barcelona in your French Kingdom well doesn't help either.
I started as a minor Karling, king of Bavaria, managed to inherrit East-Francia and mainly concentrated on fighting @
Davros wars and rebellions. Had to reconquer half my realm (Two kingdom titles split between my two oldest sons) and kill my younger brother at some point, which was fun.
Edgar Ville was mainly having bad luck and trying to scrape together some money. But then again, he is no King, but merely the head of a patrician family in the Trade Republic of Venice. Big potential tho, once he has his money flowing he can easily bribe a king or two to fight his wars for him.
dzul started as Greater Poland (one of the two Polands in 868, the other being Lesser) and used the fact he is a Tribe to quickly invade neigbouring smaller states. He also gained a shitload of piety and prestige by burning down all the catholic temples in Great-Moravia. Major expansion to the East is open to him, but some threats towards the Karlings have been made and who knows if the Polish will head East.. or West.
We plan to continue sometime later today, if we all have the time. Since this game spans a time from 868 to 1444, there is still ample opportunity to join in. Give me a shout here and I'll add you to steam so we can invite later on =)