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Crexvin Wildley out for a while


Well-known member
The Netherlands
well well...

It looks like due to recent events I'm just going away for sometime.

Also because I just started my first year of university and after my first week I already failed 2 tests so its gonna be rough so alot less time for RPUK.

There are so many people to thank for giving me so much joy everytime when I log on, Mainly the people I was in OG with, but also everyone I just shared a laugh with in TS or in RP.

And why lost and not a departure? cause I always comeback.... I always do 😛 

If u wanne play games with me u can always add me on

steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Crexvin


discord: crexvin#2404

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Good luck at uni bro, Come back some time don’t be a stranger!! Miss you mr Bot crexvin. OG 4 LYF ❤️
