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Crankie unbann request (Unbanned 19/02/2015)

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Active member
Your In-game name: [LnR] Crankie

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198036168675

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): 0fca388c3d9e86543ed297fe02f782ea

Date & Time you was banned: 5th feb

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: exploiting

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance

Now I got banned along with a few others last week by sovereign so no forum report to put forward however I was disappointed he never messaged me or tried to contact me via teamspeak before the bann was put forward. I had no idea what it was for. Then apparently he said it was for drug teleportation to someone else.

The reason our hemmt trucks were taken from Paros was because it was straight after a server restart. Not only this.. But prior to the restart the athira garage was a no go zone. If the PC's involved read this they can share the RP around it. Pretty much I ran to the HQ and accused the garage npc as a terrorist so they would block him off. the reason for this was because if you spawned a vehicle it was bouncing off the back wall shooting forward and killing everyone nearby. Hemmt trucks being the worst for it.

Now as yous may know the athira garage gets very busy after a restart. Pulling out a hemmt was only going to kill everyone and I would have been banned for mass vdm most likely and lost the vehicle for a further 4 hours. Instead I thought the most intelligent thing to do and to save everyone from dieing and loosing all their gear was pull it out somewhere else.

I think this bann has been given very unfairly and the admin ought to have spoke with me before it happened to find out why a rule I know of was broken.

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here: N/A

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Your In-game name:

Your Steam Profile ID:

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):

Date & Time you was banned:

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here: 

Did not think the template was necessary as it was not a forum report and I was not told in person what I was specifically banned for. I know 'admins decision is final' but think for someone such as myself who has been a loyal client of the server since it started and paid my own money towards helping the server (not that it matters) but would receive a better service. If I was to go to court in real life I would be told what for.

I still believe I done the right thing in not spawning vehicles which would interrupt other players gameplay. But still, in this request 'admins decision is final'

As you have been banned before I will let @Sovereign make the call on this one.

Could you please edit your initial post to use the template provided?

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Yeah I got banned last year when I first started on the server as I was not fully competent on the rules. Learn from mistakes I guess.

I would edit this post into the template but unfortunately my chrome won't allow me to post on forums for some strange reason so I am doing this via my iPad. It would be easier for me to just reopen a new unbann request.

Let me know if you want me to do that.

Thanks Vladic

@Vladic Ka I was on patrol with two other cops we stopped at the Paros garage as we saw two individuals with guns,we detain them and they threaten they have a sniper,we say tell them to shoot the ground,they did we let them go and we left up the road to decide what to do. Then we saw a tempest go by in the direction of UNMC territory and were like "Oh...they didn't have that before." We then contemplated whether they were doing salt or drug teleporting weed. So I said I'd keep an eye on them and we went south instead of pursuing and we ended up trying to pull over a HEMMT that was driving on the wrong side of the road. This HEMMT went across the salt flats and in the distance of the UNMC checkpoint come the Tempests so we discovered the HEMMT was tied to that group. A situation developed UNMC resolved it after one of the officers in our vehicle was killed. 5 minutes later we go back and revive him then go back south. I check the map again and watch the convoy going North still waiting to see their final destination. They all went to Weed Processing. So I banned them for drug teleportation. 

I spoke with LnR Fragweisser who decided to take it upon himself to speak for all of LnR and at the end of the conversation he asked me to delete the LnR channel to which I would wait a few days to see if anyone wants an unban. He stated "No, we're going to a different server." He then sent another message a few minutes later asking me to TS ban him for advertising and I spotted Wilco deleting the LnR gang room.

With the information that you have added about Athira,while it does have a few spawn problems the best solution would to have been to simply wait until everyone left. By pulling it out at Paros you are bypassing several kilometers of travel avoiding risk. This is why the rules were put in place.

It is my call to approve an unban based on side circumstances and the appalling behavior of LnR Fragweisser. Just use more common sense and don't take a resource filled vehicle out where it wasn't. I see this happen alot as a UNMC admin as people pull there trucks out in Paros,since we ban them for doing it at our checkpoint where they can be reported instantly.

Now just please edit your initial post to use the template provided and wait.

Ok, but as stated before, before the restart any truck you pulled out was bouncing against the back wall shooting forward and exploding. I guess it was common sense not to spawn it there but possibly should have asked an admin first is the lesson learned. The police who were role playing with us there maybe should have reported this serious problem to an admin if they didn't.

And only I speak for myself.

I'll edit the post to template but might look a bit funny as iPad controls are useless.

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