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Could I get unban please

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New member
I would say I'm generally quite polite to everyone in the server and I was having an off day. I spawned in Kavala first thing i hear are bullets around me and I see it's the police I run into a near building for safety as I did have my gun out and if I had enough time I would have put it away, but I ran into the street where I got tazed and I got pissed off and logged off. I came back on about 2 minutes later and I would have roleplayed it out if he let me but I had the chance but he said I would get banned from the server and I was already in a bad mood so I killed one new person out of rage :/

I want to say sorry for what I did and it will never happen again I like the server it is very good I have great friends on there and it is a great community to be apart of and I would like to be apart of it again :)

Regards Wolf

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