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could anyone explain the UNMC drama to me

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Well-known member
I saw the posts from Reece and Blaze. anyone care to explain what's happened because I seem to have completely missed it.

I think it was Betty's stream last night that caused a shitstorm. I don't know though, so best not to talk about it! :D

From the understanding, Fergus is right I believe about last night's stream with Betty and his personal experience with the UNMC but that's all I guess there is too say.

Some streamer started to scream at UNMC people that they had bad roleplay. While to only rp he gave was "YOU STUPID COWSSSSSS". But yaknow that's my opinion. I think it's about that.

betty was executed by unmc for calling them cows repeatedly after being told not to , the roleplay give by unmc was less than acceptable im afraid and sadly people started to abuse the soldier involved outside of the game and the whole of the unmc were branded shit and poor roleplayers which was a bit unecessary 

To be honest its been blown a bit out of proportion due to the popularity of the streamer involved however i apologise on behalf of the unmc for the standard of role play given as its not what i excpect from my men  , however i would just like to state that this is the exception not the norm and that 99% of the time the roleplay from the unmc is some of the best you will get on the island and i guess that is why the odd time that unmc rp is poor is why it gets so much attention because it doesnt happen alot 

betty was executed by unmc for calling them cows repeatedly after being told not to , the roleplay give by unmc was less than acceptable im afraid and sadly people started to abuse the soldier involved outside of the game and the whole of the unmc were branded shit and poor roleplayers which was a bit unecessary 

To be honest its been blown a bit out of proportion due to the popularity of the streamer involved however i apologise on behalf of the unmc for the standard of role play given as its not what i excpect from my men  , however i would just like to state that this is the exception not the norm and that 99% of the time the roleplay from the unmc is some of the best you will get on the island and i guess that is why the odd time that unmc rp is poor is why it gets so much attention because it doesnt happen alot 
@blaze1981 maybe to think about a unmc event? something like a open military day ?

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betty was executed by unmc for calling them cows repeatedly after being told not to , the roleplay give by unmc was less than acceptable im afraid and sadly people started to abuse the soldier involved outside of the game and the whole of the unmc were branded shit and poor roleplayers which was a bit unecessary 

To be honest its been blown a bit out of proportion due to the popularity of the streamer involved however i apologise on behalf of the unmc for the standard of role play given as its not what i excpect from my men  , however i would just like to state that this is the exception not the norm and that 99% of the time the roleplay from the unmc is some of the best you will get on the island and i guess that is why the odd time that unmc rp is poor is why it gets so much attention because it doesnt happen alot 
I believe you're right on the whole point, but not all branded them shit and I think it's just a slip up or an influenced decision as a whole group but I'd hope it weren't the case of everyone branding the UNMC as a whole bad role-players.

tbf to the UNMC soldiers involved, I believe they were getting a tad stressed because "betty" was shouting abuse towards them and was calling them cows following up with cow jokes, all that the men wanted to do was tax him whatever was required and let him pass through. Obviously roleplay is usually to the max with the UNMC and this was as blaze said blown out of proportion, its nothing to worry about just a bit of drama.

betty was executed by unmc for calling them cows repeatedly after being told not to , the roleplay give by unmc was less than acceptable im afraid and sadly people started to abuse the soldier involved outside of the game and the whole of the unmc were branded shit and poor roleplayers which was a bit unecessary 

To be honest its been blown a bit out of proportion due to the popularity of the streamer involved however i apologise on behalf of the unmc for the standard of role play given as its not what i excpect from my men  , however i would just like to state that this is the exception not the norm and that 99% of the time the roleplay from the unmc is some of the best you will get on the island and i guess that is why the odd time that unmc rp is poor is why it gets so much attention because it doesnt happen alot 
I dont understand how shouting, screaming and injecting the word 'mang' into every other sentence constitutes a good stream, or 'serious' roleplay. I watched the clip and i think the UNMC soldiers did well to put up with what IMO is just childish ranting and shouting.

If you went up to any paramilitary force IRL acting like that sort of buffoon, they'd have your head clean off your shoulders.

Maybe off-topic but what exactly is the appeal of betty's stream? Every time i catch a glimpse of it on the front page it's just screaming and shouting like he's some kid who's mommy wouldnt buy him a new toy. 

tbf to the UNMC soldiers involved, I believe they were getting a tad stressed because "betty" was shouting abuse towards them and was calling them cows following up with cow jokes, all that the men wanted to do was tax him whatever was required and let him pass through. Obviously roleplay is usually to the max with the UNMC and this was as blaze said blown out of proportion, its nothing to worry about just a bit of drama.
You should probably try and watch it if possible to see at what point Betty does get worked up. He was only having a little joke when he was told he was going to be left somewhere for ten minutes. Im unsure what happened to the rest of the guys on the situation but I never saw any of them again after the instant restraint. The problem I have is this mindset of execute at the slightest thing. Betty was actually trying to get away from them when they came back for more. He hid in a bush before moving on and was brought back for execution.

Last time this issue came up we had the excuse of "boredom". I honestly thought we had seen the last of this type of RP from them since they had features added to their zone and would encourage people to go the their area. The reason I was so annoyed is because I really did empathise with Betty as it can be extremely frustrating when you are trying to get some RP and are getting shut down with this power gaming that there is very little you can do about except comply. RP should be rewarded. Being a sheep in the cows land should not. I wanted to speak to someone within the UNMC last night but there were no senior ranks about. I also have an issue with privates running around with 150 round mags but I think that will be changing soon. I am working a lot this week but if anyone wants a chat from UNMC high command please feel free to grab me at the weekend. 

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You should probably try and watch it if possible to see at what point Betty does get worked up. He was only having a little joke when he was told he was going to be left somewhere for ten minutes. Im unsure what happened to the rest of the guys on the situation but I never saw any of them again after the instant restraint. The problem I have is this mindset of execute at the slightest thing. Betty was actually trying to get away from them when they came back for more. He hid in a bush before moving on and was brought back for execution.

Last time this issue came up we had the excuse of "boredom". I honestly thought we had seen the last of this type of RP from them since they had features added to their zone and would encourage people to go the their area. The reason I was so annoyed is because I really did empathise with Betty as it can be extremely frustrating when you are trying to get some RP and are getting shut down with this power gaming that there is very little you can do about except comply. RP should be rewarded. Being a sheep in the cows land should not. I wanted to speak to someone within the UNMC last night but there were no senior ranks about. I also have an issue with privates running around with 150 round mags but I think that will be changing soon. I'm am working a lot this week but if anyone wants a chat from UNMC high command please feel free to grab me at the weekend. 
The reason he was being left was too calm down, I have not watched the stream and will do so, however I was there as a Rcr and the reason he was being left for a small amount of time was to try to get him to stop shouting at us and calling us cow's, if you into any military lands anywhere and start hurling abuse towards them what is expected to happen? As far as I know repeatedly shouting the insult "cow"  towards members of the UNMC is an executable / detainable offence.

We were told by the Cpl to let him talk to him and we wait for his word, so following orders naturally we did therefore I cannot comment on what happened during said talk however if roleplay was poor I'm sure that it is a rare occurrence within the UNMC and especially with the member in question because I know him and know that he has a very high level of roleplay usually. If the roleplay was not as good as usual I'm sure that it will not happen again and that the UNMC will deal with it internally.

I dont understand how shouting, screaming and injecting the word 'mang' into every other sentence constitutes a good stream, or 'serious' roleplay. I watched the clip and i think the UNMC soldiers did well to put up with what IMO is just childish ranting and shouting.

If you went up to any paramilitary force IRL acting like that sort of buffoon, they'd have your head clean off your shoulders.

Maybe off-topic but what exactly is the appeal of betty's stream? Every time i catch a glimpse of it on the front page it's just screaming and shouting like he's some kid who's mommy wouldnt buy him a new toy. 
Couldn't agree more with your first and second point mate, third point I have no comment on :mad:

I won't comment on the conduct or roleplay of those involved as this will be dealt with internally.

However at what point do you say enough is enough with someone who is continually abusive, who knows exactly what will happen if you insult us, he knew our laws and what the consequences would be yet he poked the bear too many times.

My personal opinion would have been to throw him in jail (if we had one, maybe we can design one and have devs/management look at one?)

But i will say a few things, i like Betty but people really need to stop being so cringey and act like he is some god just because he streams and plays on RPUK, the whole let's slate UNMC on stream and #removeunmc attitude is really pathetic just because of one incident and when i see RPUK members jump on the bandwagon it's really sad tbh.

You don't see #removethepolice when a officer shuts down rp do you? No you don't. One persons actions never reflect the whole faction.

I really don't see the issue with Privates having access to Spar-16S /w 150Rnd magazines? They are trained to use this weaponry and don't exactly go about spraying the entire mag at everything that moves

At the end of the day none of us are perfect, we are human and make mistakes and the anti-unmc stuff of late really needs to stop.

@Zeito +1 to your response , if you chat shit to people with fat guns you should expect to be shot. I think its sad that all the people that bum lick the streamer went out of there own way to cause shit and have a go at the UNMC member involved.

In the end i feel screaming and calling the UNMC cows is shitty RP / quite trollish tbh. UNMC are known for there good RP so people should just let the situation be forgot about.

@Jack Shepherd - No matter what people say +1 for killing him. You shouldn't have to stand there with someone basicly trolling you and trying to piss out of you guys. Ignore all the salty people that are clearly going to biased and just keep on playing and trying to have fun mate.

I won't comment on the conduct or roleplay of those involved as this will be dealt with internally.

However at what point do you say enough is enough with someone who is continually abusive, who knows exactly what will happen if you insult us, he knew our laws and what the consequences would be yet he poked the bear too many times.

My personal opinion would have been to throw him in jail (if we had one, maybe we can design one and have devs/management look at one?)

But i will say a few things, i like Betty but people really need to stop being so cringey and act like he is some god just because he streams and plays on RPUK, the whole let's slate UNMC on stream and #removeunmc attitude is really pathetic just because of one incident and when i see RPUK members jump on the bandwagon it's really sad tbh.

You don't see #removethepolice when a officer shuts down rp do you? No you don't. One persons actions never reflect the whole faction.

I really don't see the issue with Privates having access to Spar-16S /w 150Rnd magazines? They are trained to use this weaponry and don't exactly go about spraying the entire mag at everything that moves

At the end of the day none of us are perfect, we are human and make mistakes and the anti-unmc stuff of late really needs to stop.
+1 on the prison idea! Would love for the UNMC to have a military prison tbh! 


Thanks for all the responses, I see people have extremely mixed views, all in all bad incidents happen and I really don't think it's worth blaming the entire UNMC for a single action regardless of my personal stance on the UNMC. 

If a hobo was in the Police station and was calling us cows screaming and shouting such as this streamer does, then he would receive a ticket and, upon failure to pay, sent to jail. UNMC are rebels and don't have access to that.

Vladic said 'RP should be rewarded'. No. Good RP should be and poor RP not.

Talking to people in an odd accent is not good RP.

+1 to UNMC actions here.

I dont understand how shouting, screaming and injecting the word 'mang' into every other sentence constitutes a good stream, or 'serious' roleplay. I watched the clip and i think the UNMC soldiers did well to put up with what IMO is just childish ranting and shouting.

If you went up to any paramilitary force IRL acting like that sort of buffoon, they'd have your head clean off your shoulders.

Maybe off-topic but what exactly is the appeal of betty's stream? Every time i catch a glimpse of it on the front page it's just screaming and shouting like he's some kid who's mommy wouldnt buy him a new toy. 
I love this. Thank you for the time to fully empty your opinion tank on this forum. Just a few correction before I continue..Its "man" not mang. Second of all lets discuss the beauty of the internet. The internet is full of entertaining content, which gives you the freedom of what to view. The fact that you have to ask in a public forum what the "appeal" to entertainment just exposes high sodium around your ears. For the record, mum bought me a lot of toys.

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