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Cops - Dangerous Driving


Well-known member
United Kingdom
Once again lost moneys worth of gear because of cops. If we got caught doing this it would be a scrap and a ticket

They had no lights, speeding, driving wrong side of road, thought the cops we suppose to be sticking to the law not breaking it.

P.S  they did not even turn around to see if we were okay as we had to avoid them due to it being a huge collision. No medics came either

Sadly we could not get their names 


Sorry about the thing being up on the screen

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Could be a stolen Police car, or an operation going on.
Still not a reason to go on the left side of the road. I saw a lot of cops who can't drive and I don't see any police doing that in real life but okay. 

I like how you blame the police and say it wasn't your fault, you don't even have your lights on, (£15,000 ticket issued). 

In all fairness neither does the police car and if I find out who they are I will want a very good reason as to why not.

It's both parties fault, look at your own driving as the cause of the issue before others please, yes they were at fault but blaming other people for a mistake that was partially your fault is never going to help you improve.

I like how you blame the police and say it wasn't your fault, you don't even have your lights on, (£15,000 ticket issued). 

In all fairness neither does the police car and if I find out who they are I will want a very good reason as to why not.

It's both parties fault, look at your own driving as the cause of the issue before others please, yes they were at fault but blaming other people for a mistake that was partially your fault is never going to help you improve.
Yes i do agree it was partly our fault too. The problem is that the police should be setting an example and following the law as its their job to abide by it. It's a bit stupid how they punish other people for doing this but then do it themselves. The least thing they could of done is turn around and contact a medic for us instead of driving off.

I like how you blame the police and say it wasn't your fault, you don't even have your lights on, (£15,000 ticket issued). 

In all fairness neither does the police car and if I find out who they are I will want a very good reason as to why not.

It's both parties fault, look at your own driving as the cause of the issue before others please, yes they were at fault but blaming other people for a mistake that was partially your fault is never going to help you improve.
So if a civilian does it can the cops do it tho? They have some strict rules to attend, Maybe if a civilian doesnt have his own vehicle lights on he will probaly get a ticket or something but if a cop doesnt have vehicle lights on and riding on the left side of the road whats gonna happen with the cops? oh yeah nothing they're higher than us. 

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Yes they should follow the laws but as a cop sometimes when another officer is in dire need of help you forget things! I just don't like that they don't stop, the other day a cop vdm'd me I tried to RP it out he drove off without even a sorry or are you ok? I pursued him pulled him over I jumped out he drove off again so I then pulled him over again but equipped my rifle too force an apology he jumps out doesn't speak and tries to insta taze me misses so I kill him and his fellow officers. All I wanted was an apology :(

*Just to take note, there is currently a problem with putting lights on in cars, I'm not sure if it's just police cars (as that is all I drive) or if it is with all vehicles but that may excuse the officers of not having their lights on.

Yes i do agree it was partly our fault too. The problem is that the police should be setting an example and following the law as its their job to abide by it. It's a bit stupid how they punish other people for doing this but then do it themselves. The least thing they could of done is turn around and contact a medic for us instead of driving off.
Good to see that you recognise your own mistakes.

In response to your comment, Indeed it is our job to abide by the law and also enforce it, however you must realise that sometimes officers are placed in circumstances where it would be beneficial for them not to have their lights on, such as in an active firefight (not saying that there was one taking place here but just for an example), however officers must have a very good reason for this, because as you have witnessed, it can cause incidents like this and allows the police to be partially or even fully blamed.

I agree with you that the officers should have at-least stopped and dealt with the aftermath of the situation and called for the NHS to deal with yourselves, however it is entirely possible that they didn't notice that you had crashed into the wall died.

So if a civilian does it can the cops do it tho? They have some strict rules to attend, Maybe if a civilian doesnt have his own vehicle lights on he will probaly get a ticket or something but if a cop doesnt have vehicle lights on and riding on the left side of the road whats gonna happen with the cops? oh yeah nothing they're higher than us. 
Incorrect, police officers are accountable for all of their own actions, if you feel like that have done anything wrong you can report it to most Inspectors or above and it will be dealt with but their commanding officers. I can tell you now that an officer will be dealt with properly otherwise I myself will get involved.

The attitude that you take towards the police is the one that allows you to complain about what we do freely all the time, but not give us any constructive criticism as to how we can make the police better as a whole, and therefore improve your own experience with us. 

As I always say, if you ever have any issues then my office always has a spare chair and I'm always willing to listen to you or anybody else.

You probably see more cop cars ditched into the sides of roads more than normal civ cars. 

Would also like to say I'm also partially to blame for this :p

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Says the people who crashed a hellcat while landing.

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