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Cops breaking rules, post here to show its not just rebels!

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I mean, I'm not Mentor, and definitely no admin, but I don't believe this is really a good thing to post on the forums.

If you feel a cop has directly broken a rule towards you/in your presence, record it and report it after at least trying to solve it with them via teamspeak. Nobody is going to post videos of cops on ehre trying to 'shame' them for 'breaking rules' as it's just petty, and I'm sure you're aware every single cop on the server can see this..?

I also don't even see any rules broken here by the police? If anything, you're breaking many many more rules than they are!

First video: 'Oh here's an offroad', 'Oh that'll be TI'.. 'No it's not'.

You post a video of your gang metagaming the offroad to ensure it's not a rival gang? Well played gents!

Then in the second video, speaking whilst unconcious, and even when restrained.. nice!

Not a huge fan of this post at all, but that's just my two-cents.

Also thought I'd tag @BlackJack as he's the cop involved in the first video.

- Elakin.

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We have a PCC (police complaint commission) and if you want to report a cop you should go there. If you wish to report somebody go ahead and do it there instead of starting forum wars!

INS Alexim






Oh and yes, you seem to have shown yourself speaking whilst restrained and being rubber bulleted. 

Somebody may want to save that 2nd video IN B4 REMOVED BY OP.

This is just begging for an argument from cops. You cannot really say much as GC's rolepaly has been poor the last few weeks and is gradualy getting worse. I'd suggest you work on roleplay more than your fighting skills at the moment, because from my perspective GC are going massively downhill, and something needs to be done about it.

As for the first video, no cop rule/ server rule was broken? You was tazed and then a different officer got a headshot on you, maybe he didn't realise you were tazed?

As for the second video, you was a threat to life, you killed me, you wasn't in restraints and had a gun out, that is ground to shoot you, especially during an active gunfight, like you're not going to tell me that after you was restrained you weren't going to go and kill more cops  when the restraints broke right?

This post is a joke and will only cause hostility. I don't understand the logic behind it, however I will not be adding anymore fuel to the fire and you won't see another comment from me, as I do not want to cause big arguments, i've just said my perspective.


Let us watch the drama thread nr 9999 !

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Now in the top video right at the end you see that you are killed while under the effects of my rubber bullets. This is because SGT Cow and I shot at the same time. I didn't tell him that I was going to rubber bullet you so in a way it is my fault. The reason why we shot you is because you did unholster your Mk14 and we felt that was quite threatening to us. Thanks for reading.

Not that an Admin finds this disruptive but...

1D) An admin may ban any member from the servers and community at any time if they are considered disruptive to the community or we have valid reason to believe they are here to cause issues.

I do personally find this topic extremely topic with the only creation intent to make cops look bad, be salty about it & create Drama..

I don't personally think anything good will come out of this topic so can a Forum moderator please lock this or atleast closely monitor it?

@Khandamir/Paul Montana @Edgar Ville @FriendlyFireGuy @Reverend 
I think quoting a rule asking to ban someone and tagging every forum moderator creates drama too friend

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