I' ve been playing on these servers for some time, i always stick to drug dealing and im really good at it and i usually never get caught, but lately I been noticing that cops just show up out of nowhere to my house out in the woods without me having any bounty on me or the cops knowing im doing something illegal as i always travel by chopper. One time i remember i stored some heroin and i was just camping near my house and a police showed up at my house and i mean my house is positioned way away from the big towns, one minute after they showed up at my house there came a big hemmt truck with 3 civilians in it to pick up the drugs i had in my house.. I dont know what explanation there is to this but i definitely know some cops are using server data to go raid houses that otherwise they would not know there was drugs in it in the first place...a big let down by the role playing community in charge of authority.