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Conjo Bsack (Rejected)

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Conjo Bsack
Time & Date this happened: Around  18:10 /   2014-10-18 
Description of what happened: I was at an ATM in Pyrgos and Conjo Bsack came up to me and asked what i was doing and headed, i said "I don't know yet. Why?" And then he knocked me down with his gun and tried to rob me but i didn't have any money on me. So he left, then he came back and said "Fuck off, i don't want you to be here at this atm" And i didn't walk away because i wanted to get some money from the ATM and then he shot me.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Nothing i can do about it. Said that i will report him, that's all.

If an asshole with a gun can't rob you of anything and tells you to piss off

Take the hint and piss off

The ATM in pygros isnt a safe zone... if someone is there with a gun then the last thing you do is hang around

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