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Ok so i became a bounty hunter and i was walking down kavala strip when a guy knocked me out and robbed me he never spoke to me or anything then i knocked him out and went to try restrain him as a bounty hunter but since im new to it i dont really know how the restraining thing actually works as a bounty hunter at the time there was lots of lag and it wasnt knocking him out then he was on floor kept getting knocked out with delay. His little clan buddies all masked players came upto me and started saying you cannot knock him out and killed me? Just wondering what is right and wrong in this game? surely if someone knocks me out and robs me i then know hes a wanted man as he has just robbed? So was i in the wrong to try restrain him? Oh and his little crew members decided to troll and say that you have been recorded and are in the wrong?

The guy knocking you out did a poor job. Lack of RP which is a shame but quite common. In reality, if someone attacked you and robbed you, and you just so happened to be Dog the Bounty Hunter, would you knock him down and restrain him? Yes probably, get him to the Police, tell them what happened and see what can be done. 

Gangs are very close, they spend a lot of time together and bond over activities such as soggy biscuit and bank robberies. What you must understand is if you attack one, you'll rally them together and they'll get you. 

Life is hard as a Bounty Hunter -

You are disliked by people because they know you can restrain them and get them sent to prison, 

You are an easy target because you travel by yourself or with maybe 1 or 2 people at most,

All I can say is, from the information you've given, you did good, although spam knocking someone out is bad. Sorta seen as trolling.

As for restraining, you need to knock them down with SHIFT G and then restrain with SHIFT R

Good luck

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Thanks for the reply. Yeah it was a mistake as to multiple knock downs but that was due to lag but thats my problem i suppose so i deserved to be shot and robbed by a hobo haha. Yeah the bounty life is not what i made it out to be id prefer to be an officer but thats not happening due to ive not played on the server long enough but thats due to my job and working away alot. oh well maybe try again another day.

Have you applied for the Police before? Might be worth a shout if you know your stuff
