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Compensation Request - xNameless

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Active member
In-game Name: Daniel Davies
Steam ID: 76561198149982048
Date this happened: 31/10/18
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: Car either desynced, or deliberately ran into me to VDM me. Couldn't get names, couldn't see who they were either as it was dark. Was previously chased by some people who it was possible that it was them as the car was similar, but I can't make any assumptions on that. Didn't stop to see if I was okay, just got in the helicopter and left.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Mk18 ABR - £230,000 full price (bought in sale time)
ARCO Sight - £7,000 (bought during sale time)

Both were in the van that exploded, as can be seen at about 10 seconds into the video.
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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Hi @xNameless,

Have you made any attempt in the situation to figure out who the person was that rammed into you? Have you asked the people that were speaking to you earlier if it was them and/or have you asked in sidechat if it was someone? Since with a compensation request like this I can only proceed if a player report has been posted and approved. 

I did ask in Side Chat who hit a van, and then took off, but to no response. I didn't ask the guys who attempted to rob me before. As I didn't see them following me past the Domes, I am not sure if it even could have been them. They did turn around and look like they attempted to follow me, but the speed difference between a Qilin and the Van is only 6km/h... I don't think they could have gotten that far ahead, and then turned around, and then got that much speed up.

I can't put in a report, because I don't know who it was, and there is no way for me to find out who it was. No one responded, and I couldn't see any names or clothing.

Hi @xNameless,

When a compensation is put up for a situation that happened between players in which one of the players feels like he requires compensation from the other party however is unable to get it for some reason the staff team needs an approved player report to handle the compensation request! The reason for this is because it might have been an honest accident from their side or desync etc. However because there is no statement from the other parties and no video from their perspective we can only guess this. Therefore there is unfortunately no other option for me left other then to denie this compensation request.

Compensation Refused

Although your request didn't meet our compensation request criteria, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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