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Compensation Request - xNameless

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Active member
In-game Name: Daniel Davies
Steam ID: 76561198149982056
Date this happened: 25/10/18
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: I took my Qilin out at the Airport and locked it as can be seen in the evidence. I was then given the option to Eject, even though the vehicle had never been unlocked. I was going to coast down the road so was attempting to turn off the engine. This caused me to select Eject and just bail out and die.

I waited for the medic, who rather than reviving me there, decided to put me in his heli and fly to the airport to I think pick up another player. He then crashed the helicopter on top of a roof, which meant there was no way I was getting saved. I believe he was the only medic on at the time.

Slightly annoying because I don't think I should have been down to begin with, and then definitely shouldn't have been taken to a roof. Not the medics fault I guess since he was trying to help as many people as possible.

0:03 - Vehicle is Locked
1:13 - Eject option is at the top of the list as if the vehicle is unlocked. Between these times you can see the vehicle is never actually unlocked.
3:40 - In heli with medic at the Airport.
4:47 - Roof Landing
5:15 - "Take off"
5:18 - Big Fireball
11:13 - No longer alive.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Prices from Price List on Wiki - https://www.roleplay.co.uk/guide/altis-life/rebel-clothing-store/

AKS-74U 5.45mm - £70,000
3x Mags( 1 Visible in gun Tracer Yellow ) - £3,000
Balaclava (Black) - £35,000
Combat Fatigues [Tropic, Tee] - £10,000
Stealth Combat Helmet - £10,000
Carryall Backpack (Khaki) - £5,000
Carrier Rig - £7,500

Total: £140,500 (Trade Border Pass was £50,000 on top, but this can't be seen in the video so pretty sure it can't be refunded)
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
Some new discussion has come to mind, is it possible you could give us footage from the point you spawned the vehicle? We just want to look more into this potential bug before issuing comp

I no longer have the entire footage from this incident since I deleted it to free up hard drive space. (Each video file of 5 mins iis over 1GB) Since this was accepted already I removed the fileswith Shift + J (so not in recycling bin either).

However, I spawned the Qilin at the Airport, jumped in and then the video starts. There were no other vehicles around, and nothing else was done other than driving forwards just before the video in the report starts. Nothing out of the ordinary, and no weird order of doing things either.

I'm afraid without this detail we have to decline. Sorry for the inconvenience but it came to light if its user error and you can't prove otherwise we should not comp due to this window. 


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Although your request didn't meet our compensation request criteria, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

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