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Compensation Request - veopes

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Active member
In-game Name: Jango Fett
Steam ID: 76561198312034188
Date this happened: 07/10/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: hi im asking for comp for an rdm on me, i was robbing someone by the drug dealer and this guy rdms me (he wasnt in the same gang as my victim and didnt know him but thought it was fair game to kill a robber) i will leave the link to the report in the evidence box, this player has been banned for a seperate rdm so the report was never accepted (they just wrote "this player has been banned for another RDM") though it would have been because of clear cut RDM
Link to any evidence:
Lost items and total value of compensation.: 336k for the money i robbed, 115k for my mk18 and mags, 120k ((I THINK)) for the gun i took off my victim and 20k for my clothes/armor

((if the sale is over by the time this is accepted which i believe it will be please be so kind as to give me the normal price of the guns which i believe is 230k for the mk18+mags and 240k for the MX SW))
so im asking for in total 580k if the sale is still on
or 820k if the sale has expired so i can get those guns back
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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