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Compensation Request - veopes

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Active member
In-game Name: Jango Fett
Steam ID: 76561198312034192
Date this happened: 07/05/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: me and my friend were driving out of kavala and a guy hits us on a quad and breaks the car so we pull over to repair and spot a guy with a nice gun we were going to initiate and make him drop the gun then as you see in the video before we make contact with him a guy named INS phil RDMs us and in the second video you will see like 5-10 people saying "INS PHIL COME ON TS NOW!!!!!" and so on and so on, i am asking for comp for my katiba 6.5mm and armor
Link to any evidence:
https://youtu.be/4prBHrxJH6M and https://youtu.be/_oS0Sx4keRQ
Lost items and total value of compensation.: katiba + ammo 90k and armor and clothes and NV 25k so a total of about 115k
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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