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Compensation Request - veopes (Refused)

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Active member
In-game Name: 39th Roy rogers
Steam ID: 76561198312034188
Date this happened: 05/04/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: i was breaking into the art gallery and it said something went wrong
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: not sure what they are worth this was my first time
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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hi @veopes

I had a look at the video, and if you look at 2 mins 09 sec you will see that the gallery moved as you was still picking up the art. 
this simply means, you was to late to pick up the art. The gallery is object that moves around certain locations. 
therefore, i have to DENIED this compensation request as there was no server issue, But just a bad timing of you guys. 


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