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Compensation Request - TheEagle (Refused)

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Active member
In-game Name: Solotov
Steam ID: 76561198145887200
Date this happened: 23/07/18
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: So I was in a chopper with a friend and he got randomly kicked out and the chopper crashed. After that he came back on the server he got a stretcher and was getting me to an hospital and than I got randomly kicked out. (I can provide a longer video if needed)
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Carryall Backpack [All] £5,000
Protector Helmet [Hex] £2,500
Balaclava [All] £35,000
CTRG Plate Carrier Rig / Carrier Rig [All] £7,500
ACP-C2 .45 ACP £28,000
.45 ACP 11Rnd Mag £900 / mag x4
MX 6.5mm [All] £150,000
6.5mm 30Rnd STANAG Mag- £1,000 / mag x5
RCO £7,000
Bipod [All] £15,000
GPS £100
NV Goggles (Green) £3,000
First Aid Kit £250 x5

This is what I'm sure I had. I wasn't for very long on the server so I only opened my back once. Therefore I'm not sure what else I had, but this is what I'm 100%sure

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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This is not an issue caused by our servers. This is an issue caused by your internet speeds in regards to exceeding a high ping or slow downstream or upstream speeds. I would recommend switching to ethernet if you are not already using ethernet. If you are using wifi then I would recommend consulting your ISP and they can walk you through various changes on your router to potentially improve the wifi stability. 

All things considered, this is not something we comp for because this is a client issue. Sorry for any inconvience.

Locked & Moved.

Although your request didn't meet our compensation request criteria, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord
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