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Compensation Request - Skynzaur

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In-game Name: Skynzor
Steam ID: 76561198003153527
Date this happened: 11/02/2015
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: Steffbos and Skynzor (me) went on and try'd to buy a house of 1.250.000 milion dollar. We saved money together to buy it, yet when steffbos tried to buy it it said 'not enough money' though we had enough for it. So I said, try and give me the money and see if I can buy it. Steffbos gave me the money I needed to buy the house and it said it wired me the money on his screen. But it didn't.

This is the moneygraph of Skynzor: http://stats.altislife.co.uk/getplayer.php?playerid=76561198003153527
This is the moneygraph of Steffbos: http://stats.altislife.co.uk/getplayer.php?playerid=76561198059451023
Link to any evidence:
Lost items and total value of compensation.: Money: 1.250.000 milion dollar
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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