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Compensation Request - sigmatic - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Compensation Request

In-game Name: Alex Torez

Game: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199400513744

Character ID: 79280

The date when this happened: 03/08/23

Please provide full detail and evidence: I lost a shotgun and various other items after what I believed marabunta to have metagamed in order to be ready and kill me when I returned to their turf, which I then put up in a report which got accepted. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/144945-report-a-player-several-marabunta-gta-rp

Link to any evidence:


Lost items and total value of compensation: Sawn-off Shotgun - £375,000, x29 Shotgun Bullets (I believe) - £23,200, Human Finger - Priceless (valuable for many rp situations)

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

Thank you for your submission

Our staff team will get back to you in this topic ASAP! In the meantime please ensure the details you have submitted above are correct.

Hello! @sigmatic
Hope you're well! 

Looking into this compensation request regardles of the metagaming report this compensation request will be DENIED.  

In your own video at .45 seconds it shows you at Dodgy Doctor. When the Marabunta member tries to revive you with the defib you make the decision to refuse treatment. 
So, regardless of the outcome of the report you made the choice to refuse treatment and respawn. You would have in return lost these items anyway with your choice of refusing treatment. For that reason your request has been denied. 


Although your request didn't meet our compensation request criteria, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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