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Compensation Request - SebastianBey (Completed)

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In-game Name: Sebastian
Steam ID: 76561198148440466
Date this happened: 02/23/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: I was doing a full weed run in a Hemmet box with my mate when after processing it and on the way to kavala the server spammed a message saying "...MAINTENANCE----SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE--#BLAMETADWORTH" as you know there is nothing we can do to save this 193 Marijuana in our truck so a few seconds later the server went "session lost"
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: 193 Marijuana, 3000 each + my perk 25%+ which would come to a total of 723,750.
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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Accept for the amount of £579,000. 

As a side note we don't compensate for drug perks. 

It may be some time till your compensation is completed due do problems we currently have. 

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