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Compensation Request - sallad - GTA RP

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Compensation Request

In-game Name: Loz Ure

Game: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198065644902

The date when this happened: 10/19/20

Please provide full detail and evidence: We had gathered a full van of coke by half past 3 and were processing. We knew that the server was restarting at 4 so we quickly rushed to the beach to sell our mule of coke after processing, which finished at around quarter to 4. We managed to sell and even made it to the money wash with a few minutes to spare. However, when we rejoined the server had rolled back and we were back at the beach with an empty mule and only our inventory of coke (I had 25,im not sure how much he had). So our mule worth of coke had been deleted because of the rollback.

I understand that we should have proof before opening one of these requests, however, I asked on the discord if there is any recourse for us or if we should chalk it up to a loss. Stealthee said I should make it but I completely understand if its denied from lack of evidence. Thanks for reading.

Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation: 500 Processed Coke / 100k dirty money?

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

Thankyou for your submission

Our staff team will get back to you in this topic ASAP! In the meantime please ensure the details you have submitted above are correct.


Can you remember exactly what time this happened?
We started processing our coke at 3:30, I believe we finished it at 3:45 and went to the sell point at around 3:50. I do remember we got to the money wash with 1 or 2 minutes to spare, when my friend got out the money wash and into the car park the server restarted so we thought we had made it just in time. But when we logged back in we were back at the drug store with an empty mule.

Compensation Accepted:

x500 Processed Cocaine

Moving too awaiting action until this is resolved. 

Your compensation request has been approved however your money is currently being transferred to your bank account.

To speed up this process make sure you are not in game currently and make sure to respond to the member of staff if they are awaiting your response.


Claim actioned, please follow the below mini guide in order to claim this on the character with character ID 12534. Any problems please contact staff on the teamspeak server.

Now that you’ve been compensated for what you’ve lost, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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