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Compensation Request - Rogueybearx - GTA RP


Character Name: Ramsay RAMBO
Character ID: 42084
Steam ID: 76561198064359836
Game: GTA RP
Date: Dec 18, 2024
Please Provide Full Details: Report acsepted - In this report you can clearly see the NVL and as a result of this I lose majority of my headarmour which should not have happened. Any issues let me know but feel this should be comped.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/report-a-player-706-and-566-gta-rp.428270/
Lost Items & Total Value Of Compensation 1x Head armour + 100k cash for the Dodgy's
: Yes
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Hi @Rogueybearx,

I've watched the clip from the report. The first guy that NVL's hits you once and takes a small chunk off your helmet armour, the second is friendly fire and this takes the majoirty of the lost armour.

The helmet will not be compensated as you did not even lose half of it from these two interactions.

Compensation Approved

x2 Coathanger Defibs