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Compensation Request - Remix

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Newcastle, UK
In-game name: [EXP] Jgr. Remix

Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): STEAM_0:1:21992492


What was lost: Ghillie, MXM Black, Silencer, DMS, Rangefinders etc...

Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): ~380k

Quick description of what happened: Gokart desync'd into the back of me and I instantly died. After I was revived by a medic (Michael Dickenson), I instantly sync'd data as there were only 2 minutes left till restart. The gear didn't save and I lost it on the restart.

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As the timing was crap, you can blame your friend for this one... the fact he saw himself catching up was a bit of a giveaway as you're in the same vehicle.......

I'll comp as you were revived... and still lost all.

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