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Compensation Request - rcas

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Active member
In-game Name: Robert(also known as [LA] Sgt. Robert-Jan), [La] Pvt. Nolsoe
Steam ID: 76561198081077683
Date this happened: 07/10/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: Me and my friend were driving down the road when this guy(BensRig) was driving on the wrong side of the road, I tried to go on the grass so we wouldn't crash but then he drove into us and killed us both in the procces.
Link to any evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7EeC0O5l4g&feature=youtu.be
Lost items and total value of compensation.: MK20, ACO, Flashlight, 2x rook, and 1 carryal backpack
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: No(The page isn't there?)

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I have not posted A vdm report yet because I wanted to try to resolve this with the person who vdm'd us

i need an accepted reprt for the comp to be done under vdm as they should be banned, you can try resolve and sort money with him but thats your choice

The support member who I talked to told me to try to resolve this first before taking any further action. But if you think they should be banned you can do what you think is right.

it is just that it needs a accepted report or to be alreqady banned by a staff member to qualify on the comp

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