New member
- Location
- London
- In-game Name: John Bear
- Steam ID: 76561198118417650
- Date this happened: 02/09/20
- Please provide full detail and evidence: A "hacker" blow up everyone on the server, this happened while I was driving back from the gun store.
After laying and bleeding out for a while a few more explosions happened which resulted in my character being launched miles in the air and my game crashing shortly after.
I only have one screenshot which is of me a bit before this happened.
I didn't take any other screenshot or record as I didn't expect to crash and thought I would be revived by and admin similar to what happened earlier in the day.
- Link to any evidence:
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/781874134611844127/76578730019A8CFE191AB96A73A2119895410902/ - Lost items and total value of compensation.: Hatchback (Sport)
Polo shirt (Camo)
Carry all Backpack (Olive)
The pistol that cost £17,500 (forgot the name)
- Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes