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Compensation Request - Ozzycazy

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Well-known member
In-game Name: ozzycazy
Steam ID: 76561198153131470
Date this happened: 11/09/2015
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: I drove to my house after spawning in, I then walked into my house to place on my CSAT uniforms, yes I heard about the removal of CSAT clothing, So I attempted to place them on and they vanished from my inventory, I got very unhappy that I spent a lot of cash for them to just vanish. The links below where after attempting to wear the outfits.
Link to any evidence:
http://prntscr.com/90yojk http://prntscr.com/90yoo9
Lost items and total value of compensation.: 5 Full Csat Gillie Suits 1000000.00, 5 CSAT Pilot coveralls 150000.00
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

I was told by a few members in the community that the CSAT uniforms where removed due to complaints/issues.

I know a few CSAT clothes have been removed, I was not aware the gullie was one, please be patient as I have greg doing a test... depending on the outcome you will be compensated.

yep they seem to dissapear, accepted for the ghilli but need evidence of you owning the pilot uniform

http://prntscr.com/9108o8 This be the 3 Pilot CSAT Coveralls, I do not have proof of there being 5 at the time. So I am fine with just 3 being seen in the currenty photo. And yes it is my house as shown with the blue marker.

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