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Compensation Request - night_stalker_

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Well-known member
In-game Name: NightStalker
Steam ID: 76561197975802481
Date this happened: 27/10/18
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: after a fluke of getting away from the hm with no police tales and 69 gold in hemmet and 7 on person I parked up to wait for the team mates to provide overwatch at gold trader only to get randomly flipped and blew up.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: 69 gold bars in hemmet
7 gold bars on person
not really fussed on my gear as it was only a protector with a few other bits which prob cost £60-70k

total loss £22,800,000 in gold :(

(I have the gold perk)
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
Hi @night_stalker_,

When looking through your video at 4:25 it looks like the video is edited/interrupted at this moment of time and directly after that the explosion happens. Did you cut the video in any way or interrupted Arma 3 or anything like that? 

The video is not edited only thing I had done was cut down to show rather than be 1hour long I see what you mean at 4:25 it is strange and After It exploded i said I’ll check footage and I tabbed out to stop and watch video as I was spun out on how it happened. for me to watch video obs I have to stop recording, I am sure I restarted video directly after can check later if needed and I can upload to show bleed out (currently on phone)

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Do you want footage of bleed out? 
I was just trying to get some others people opinion on this before I proceed with the compensation.

Since I'm in doubt if I will accept this compensation request. The reason for that is that it looks like the video gets cut just as the vehicle gets stolen. It also displays in the top right corner "since you were hit by a vehicle... etc". Can you recheck your video and see if this issue hasn't been caused by uploading it to youtube? 

I have just rechecked footage it’s the Same  figured out when I tab out the footage freezes as when looking at bleed out it does the same I’ll make short clip to show what I mean

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Hi @night_stalker_,

I consulted with my fellow staff members and we closely looked into the evidence that you have provided and did a bit of research ourselves as well. 

I will state the conclusion below but first I'll state some facts:

  • In the video a cut is seen which you later describe as you tabbing out.
  • A millisecond after you tabbing back in everything from your vehicle goes red and your vehicle gets flipped
In the evidence requirements it says that no cuts can me made if it's close to what you want compensation for (so close to the explosion etc). In this occasion a cut happened to the video and a second later that's when the situation happens. For me it's very hard to declare what's going on. You are stationary and suddenly everything goes red and you flip. I'm unable to identify if this happened due to arma bugging, you being VDM'ed (because it states the VDM notification in the right corner of your screen) or even a clientside issue. Because you are requesting such a high amount of compensation (around 15.2 million worth of gold) the video evidence can't raise any questions to me and needs to be crystal clear. 

Because in the evidence it can't be seen what actually caused this and it looks like the video is cut unfortunately I'm going to have to deny this compensation request. I'm very sorry for this but after a discussion with multiple other staff members this seemed to be the only option that everyone would back up. 

Compensation Refused

Although your request didn't meet our compensation request criteria, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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