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Compensation Request - night_stalker_

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Well-known member
In-game Name: night_stalker_
Steam ID: 76561197975802480
Date this happened: 12/06/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: spawned in pygros went to the garage to get a ifrit as the rest of gang down by outpost 2, in-between outpost 1 and weed field I seen a unmc styder forwarded info to gang then few second later was randomly kicked from server (purge of players that has been causing havoc recently and can hear another team mate get kicked ) the only evidence I have is a team members video stating please get to the ifrit north of the weed field they proceeded to the place via chopper and you can see my ifrit next to the styrder being stolen by unmc, it was then scrapped. if item was lost during fire fight id have no problem but item was lost due to this purge issue
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: 1 x ifrit in camo hex
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
Denied - sorry mate but there is not enough evidence for me to fully accept this

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