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Compensation Request - Nick Roosen

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Nick Roosen

In-game Name: [LDR] Nick R.
Steam ID: 76561198137160493
Date this happened: 06/28/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: I was driving towards the UNMC Drug dealer with 2 of my friends when one of them desynced into me.
Link to any evidence: The video : https://youtu.be/kJpohGPVSnc                                   

                                    Screenshot of my gear : http://prnt.sc/bm3y7y
                                    Screenshot of my heroin : http://prnt.sc/bm3yin 

Lost items and total value of compensation.:

Full Ghillie Suits : £200,000
MK-1 : £460,000
Silencer - 7.62mm : £160,000
BIPOD: £15,000
IR Laser Pointer : £5000
RCO : £7000
110 Processed heroin : £4900*110 = £539.000
Total = £1.386.000
I also had a LRPS on me but I do not know how much this is worth so it is £1.386.000 + the amount for the LRPS(what ever the admin decides as a price for this)
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: No

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Need to provide a longer video to prove you had those items on you. Right now it just proves a truck desynced and killed you.

Sorry can you send the link again 

Approved, please contact a member of the staff team on TS to complete your compensation request 

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