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Compensation Request - Nerd Fury

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Henk Baksteen

Well-known member
The Netherlands
In-game Name: Henk Baksteen
Steam ID: 76561198264610663
Date this happened: 04/23/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: I was playing ARAC for the afternoon but I got bored, so I went to my house to change the uniform for my rebel gear. I took all my gear, put all my ARAC stuff in my house. And I went out to store the ARAC offroad in the garage. Took my SUV out and drove two meters and got kicked for my ping.. which happens ridiculously often lately with multiple people. And when I logged back on, I had nothing. I just had my ARAC backpack but nothing more. The gear also wasn't in my crate.
Link to any evidence:
Lost items and total value of compensation.: Warn Combat Fatigues : £7500
Shemag : £850
Glasses : £20
CTRG Platecarrier Rig : £7500
Rook-40 9 mm : £25,000
MX (BLACK) : £250,000
ACO : RED : £5000
MRCO : £10,000
15x 6.5 STANAG Mags : £15,000
Rangefinder : £3000
NV Goggles : £1000

Total : £324,870
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

Denied - sorry mate but there is insufficient evidence after the gearing up etc.

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