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Compensation Request - Mr Reznikov - GTA RP

Mr Reznikov

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos Firefighter

Character Name: Andrian Reznikov
Character ID: 89772
Steam ID: 76561198065345886
Game: GTA RP
Date: Nov 29, 2024
Please Provide Full Details: Hello staff

I'm putting this compensation forum in as i have had my report approved.

Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://i.gyazo.com/2fe610ca0b0d30b6938f4cf42dbd4d8b.png
Lost Items & Total Value Of Compensation 1x .50 pistol, 1x Knife, 100x Pistol ammo, 1x armor, 4x redgull, 2x repairkits. 3x banana smoothies, 2x ziptie, 1x petrol can - total value £450,000
: Yes

As stated, the report was approved. Your inventory from your death has been compensated.

Compensation Approved

Death 694643 compensated.