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Compensation Request - Morris - Awaiting Admin

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Well-known member
In-game Name: [SC09] Morris
Steam ID: 76561198123332368
Date this happened: 01/04/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: We were transporting last nights catch of gold from the H.M when the server crashed.
Link to any evidence: https://gyazo.com/eefcc16d43adff5056fa314d9caa8e43


Lost items and total value of compensation.: 116 Gold bars (Aprox 11,6 Million)
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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Not fully sure wether you comp for gold or not, but i saw that a guy got comped for the H.M Shipwreck :)

Please make this comp only for you, as you cannot do one for a friend 

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Please make this comp only for you, as you cannot do one for a friend 
This is for me only. However, there were 2 trucks so i had associates and therefore the "We":)

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no i mean your friend will need to do his own, your comp is for you only. also which truck is yours so i know what i may need to comp

Accepted - Spoke with user and sorted issue

Accepted for full amount. Please message me or Thesoldier on ts to have it completed

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