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Compensation Request - Khaldrogo

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In-game Name: KhalDrogo
Steam ID: 76561198272923512
Date this happened: 07/10/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: Walking to garage after my car was stolen i shot tyres out after it was robbed form greenzone. got to bridge and another player was glitching the vehicle he bugged it under the map and blew me up. he then came back took my pistol and started to rdm about 12 people all in greenzone will file seperate report for that anyways.

and just inccase your wondering why i had all this stuff on me was moving stuff from and old house we sold to a new house we just bought hence why i bought the storage containers

link i have placed is edited as it shows my house locations and inventory inside the house
Link to any evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCtE57Mtp18&feature=youtu.be
Lost items and total value of compensation.: MXM (BLACK) : £310,000
MX (BLACK) : £250,000
Rook-40 9 mm : £25,000 X2
Silencer - 9mm : £155,000 X3
ACO : RED : £5000
Silencer - 7.62mm : £160,000
NV Goggles (Brown) : £1000
DMS : £40,000
CTRG Platecarrier Rig : £7500
Shemag(Glasses) : £75,000
Full Ghillie Suits : £200,000
Large Storage Containers £150,000 X2

Total £1,863,500

also about 40k worth of mags but you cant see them and its only 40k
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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Approved, contact a staff member on TS to complete your compensation request 

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