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Compensation Request - Kennedy Jones

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Criminal Island
In-game Name: Kennedy Jones
Steam ID: 76561198128944704
Date this happened: 08/03/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: I was just processing some iron and than a hacker teleported us all to a British Airways Hurion Helicopter and than let us out at Kavala. And basically he killed us all.
Link to any evidence:

https://youtu.be/8K-2EVg9T6g https://youtu.be/N4290opKfYw
Lost items and total value of compensation.: HEMTT Box full of Iron that was worth 600K.
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
Accepted for 514434 as that is how much we see according to our prices we have for comps.

Please message me or another member of staff on ts to have this completed

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