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Compensation Request - Kawppa - GTA RP

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Compensation Request

In-game Name: Jack Carr

Game: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198220633868

The date when this happened: 10/22/21

Please provide full detail and evidence: I bought a car (Riata) from Paleto to store my cocaine so I didn't need to carry it around constantly, I parked the car at casino with 100 coke in the boot, went to pull it out and it said I only had my Neo and Sultan parked there so I checked carfinderz and it said I didn't own a Riata

Link to any evidence:


Lost items and total value of compensation: £32,000 for the Riata and £20,000 in cocaine (100)

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

Thank you for your submission

Our staff team will get back to you in this topic ASAP! In the meantime please ensure the details you have submitted above are correct.

3:04 is when I buy the car and 9:00 is when I store it

Hello @Kawppa

Thank you for making this compensation request, we are looking into our logs to see exactly what happened to your vehicle. Please be patient as we will be in touch with you soon.

Hello @Kawppa

After digging deeper into our logs and speaking with the Devs, I can confirm that you have purchased the Riata on the 22/10/2021, as the vehicle is no longer in your possession due to this bug, I will be issuing a compensation of £32,000 for the Riata and 100 Cut Cocaine lost in the vehicle.

Retrieve your compensation at City Hall


Now that you’ve been compensated for what you’ve lost, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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