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Compensation Request - JamstathaHamsta (Completed)

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Well-known member
In-game Name: Joe
Steam ID: 76561198224750512
Date this happened: 04/26/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: Okay, so after talking a staff member after my first comp req got refuesed, link here: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/86471-compensation-request-jamstathahamsta/#comment-492565
I got confused as why it got refused, as another person got the same situation like me and got accepted, link here: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/86253-compensation-request-ghostk1ll3rcompleted/
I do understand that Im making this a bit late but I have had a cold and have been in bed for the pastt 2 days. I understand that mr ghostkiller had already talked to one of the devs about it and got accepted his comensation aswell, and as I said, im happy to lose my house for my money back. 38 mil is pretty much 500 hours of playing on this lovely server and community. If there's anything yyou need to back up any evidaence I will do my best to supply.

I understand that that was an individual case but you can see everything on the data base right? If you do some digging you will 100% get my point of view. If you need anything please do contact me as this means more too me than you belive </3
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: 38 mil
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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This is prvoving that I bought it and after I did so I didn't play for 2-3 days as I had a cold, I already had it while playing but got worse. I can give more screen shots ingame now if need be. I do not have live footage from when I bought the upgrades. Im happy to lose the house and give you the house location too give you more evidence that way. Other than that im sorry for not providing any good evidence, but I do belive that it should be enough as this have happend to others and the devs saw it as their fault aswell.

Kind regards


@JamstathaHamsta do you have any additional evidence to this request?

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After further discussion with members off the staff team we have decided to accept it this time. But please be care full when buying upgrades etc in the future.

Compensation of £38,000,000 accepted, awaiting action.


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