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Compensation Request - JackPoulter04 (Rejected)

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Well-known member
In-game Name: JackPoulter
Steam ID: 76561198385641216
Date this happened: 11/04/18
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: Me and my friend c h r i s t i a n n n n, where doing a Blood Diamond run with 2 HEMMT Boxes. We made it to the blood diamond cutter, where the server unexpectedly went down. As shown in the video, a message popped up for everyone saying "session lost" , making it impossible to store/sell the items we had worked for, we processed all the diamonds apart from the one we was currently processing where we then lost session. I believe it was a faulty with the server which is why I believe compensation should be issued. I belive this happened due to an arma 3 update. The Gyazo Shows c h r i s t i a n n n POV and my POV is the youtube Video. It could be due to the Arma 3 update or it could just be server 2 going down due to the lack of player on S1, however we still lost our hard earned money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s627wLcmVME&feature=youtu.be : https://gyazo.com/f1beaf1af6fcfae8325220e357eb6d8e
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: 2 HEMMT Boxes Wrth of blood diamonds.
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
In your video, I only see the contents of 1 Hemmet's contents, not 2. So I can only work with 1 at the moment.  Your video does not show you reconnecting to the server to see if you had actually lost the truck and it contents.

I will be rejecting this request and will encourage you to follow the compensation request terms when putting in your next compensation request.

Compensation Request Rejected.

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